‘台农16号’凤梨(Ananas comosus)是台湾嘉义农业试验所杂交选育的凤梨品种,亲本为Smooth Cayenne×Rough,商品名称为甜蜜蜜[1-2]。该品种商品性好,果皮薄、果眼浅、果肉质细腻、无纤维、果心小且可食、品质佳、不必泡盐水、不刺激口腔、风味与口感俱佳、食用方便、耐贮藏。同时,该品种叶边缘无刺、种植管理方便,具有较强的推广和研究价值[3]。由于该品种在市场的欢迎度较高,在不同的地区均进行了引种试验和推广,特别是海南、广西、广东和福建等省份,均进行了引种试验,但是在株高、叶片长度、叶宽、单果重、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖和总酸等指标均存在一定的差异[1,4-6]。凤梨在种植过程中,一般经过一年左右的生长,当植株达到35~40片叶的营养生长量后,采用催花剂灌心诱导开花,从而达到集中上市的目的[7]。凤梨开花主要受体内激素变化的影响,不同品种开花的内源激素表达水平不同。有研究表明,不同催花诱导剂对凤梨科不同品种内源激素含量的影响,不同品种间的激素含量变化不同,主要原因为不同种属对乙烯利的敏感性差异所致[8-9]。目前,萘乙酸、冰水、电石和乙烯利均是凤梨的催花诱导剂,也有部分研究在催花诱导剂基础上添加多效唑和烯效唑来诱导开花,对粉菠萝(Aechmea fasciata)的开花观赏价值的研究[10]。生产上乙烯利是应用最广泛的凤梨催花手段[11-12]。然而,不同品种对乙烯利的敏感性存在较大差异,常造成开花时间不一致、开花率低和聚花畸形等问题,严重影响了凤梨的产量和品质等商品价值[13]。
不同催花处理处理对‘台农16号’形态性状影响较大(表1)。NAA处理对冠芽生长有抑制作用,但对裔芽数量的增加起到促进作用。冰水处理2次和3次后,较为明显的促进凤梨株高、叶宽和吸芽数,明显高于其他组处理,特别是冰水催花3次的株高、叶宽分别达到66.6 cm和7.0 cm,而且冰水催花2次的吸芽数平均值达到7.2。300 mg·L-1和600 mg·L-1乙烯利处理后,对凤梨的冠芽长有促进作用,分别达到23.7 cm和18.0 cm。另外,乙烯利两种浓度均对吸芽数和裔芽数的产生有抑制作用,能够让裔芽数下降为0。300 mg·L-1乙烯利催花剂与多效唑和烯效唑组合后,主要表现为株高下降,叶长升高和裔芽数增加。
表 1 不同催花处理对“台农16号”植株形态性状的影响
Table 1. Effects of different flowering forcing on plant morphology
处理Treatments 株高/cmPlant height 叶长/cmLenth of leaves 叶宽/cmWide of leaves 冠芽长/cmLenth of crown bud 吸芽数/个Stem bud 裔芽数/个Carpopodium bud CK 63.0±5.0ab 66.7±7.0bc 5.6±0.5c 14.1±2.7bcd 2.5±1.5bc 3.8±1.1ab NAA 61.7±6.5ab 65.2±5.2c 5.7±0.4bc 11.6±4.7d 3.8±b 4.5±1.9a 冰水2次 63.4±9.3ab 64.8±5.5c 6.5±1.1ab 14.1±5.4bcd 7.2±1.6a 2.2±0.9c 冰水3次 66.6±7.8a 69.3±3.3abc 7.0±0.7a 17.2±1.7bc 6.0±1.0a 2.5±1.0bc 300 mg·L-1乙烯利 58.8±3.4bc 69.5±4.8abc 6.3±0.4abc 23.7±2.4a 1.7±1.3c 0.0±0.0d 600 mg·L-1乙烯利 64.6±6.1ab 71.6±4.4ab 5.8±0.7bc 18.0±1.8b 2.2±1.8bc 0.0±0.0d 多效唑 55.8±4.4c 74.8±2.1a 6.5±0.8ab 14.4±2.3bcd 2.8±1.1bc 4.3±1.3a 烯效唑 55.4±6.4c 74.9±4.6a 6.4±0.4abc 13.4±2.5cd 3.0±1.0bc 3.7±1.3ab 注: 不同字母表示不同处理间在0.05水平差异显著(LSD),不同字母表示不同处理之间的差异显著性比较,下同。Note: The different letters indicate the significant difference of 0.05 level (LSD) in different treatments, the different letters indicate the significant difference between treatments. The same below. -
果形是影响凤梨外在品质的重要因素之一,凤梨果实的纵横径决定其单果重(质量)。不同处理方式下对‘台农16号’凤梨果实外观品质差异较大(表2)。冰水3次处理的果实纵茎最大,为18.1 cm,冰水2次处理次之,果实横茎最大是60 mg·L-1乙烯利处理,不同处理的果形长宽比在1.17~1.47之间。冰水3次处理的果柄增粗最明显,为3.73 cm,冰水2次次之,而300 mg·L-1乙烯利和600 mg·L-1乙烯利处理后果柄粗最小。单果重最高为300 mg·L-1乙烯利处理,为1.18 kg,而66.7 mg·L-1烯效唑处理后单果质量最小,为0.89 kg,且无冠芽果实发生率最高。因此,冰水处理下促进果实形态发育,使果实纵茎增长,并促进果柄粗增加,对果实抗倒伏可能起到积极作用。而乙烯利处理下虽然果柄粗降低,造成果柄弯曲概率升高,但有利于单果质量增加和无冠芽果实减少(图2)。
表 2 不同催花处理对“台农16号”果实形态性状的影响
Table 2. Effects of different flower forcing on fruit morphology
处理Treatments 果纵径/cmDiameter of fruit height 果横径/cmDiameter of fruit width 果形长宽比Long and width ratio of fruit 果柄粗/cmDiameter of carpopodium 单果质量/kgFruits weight 无冠芽果率/%Ratio of none crow bud CK 14.37±0.67b 10.78±0.53a 1.33±0.06a 2.20±0.24cd 0.91±0.12bc 8.64±1.75b NAA 15.35±0.83b 10.78±0.50a 1.42±0.05a 2.60±1.07c 0.97±0.13abc 4.94±1.75c 冰水2次 17.18±1.05a 12.25±0.44a 1.40±0.06a 3.10±0.64b 1.01±0.10abc 1.11±0.15c 冰水3次 18.10±0.26a 12.32±0.33a 1.47±0.04a 3.73±0.26a 1.12±0.16ab 1.11±0.15c 300 mg·L-1乙烯利 14.25±1.28b 10.75±0.95a 1.33±0.11a 1.96±0.34d 1.18±0.23a 0.00±0.00d 600 mg·L-1乙烯利 14.62±1.71b 12.52±5.03a 1.17±0.37a 1.95±0.34d 1.10±0.17ab 1.23±1.75c 多效唑 15.03±1.23b 10.96±0.78a 1.37±0.16a 2.66±0.41bc 0.94±0.16bc 13.33±7.2a 烯效唑 15.33±1.49b 10.41±0.59a 1.47±0.07a 2.57±0.36c 0.89±0.21c 8.89±4.16b -
不同催花处理方法对‘台农16号’凤梨果实品质影响较大(表3)。200 mg·L-1多效唑和66.7 mg·L-1烯效唑处理后果实含水量最高,分别为87.8%和87.9%,而600 mg·L-1乙烯利处理较低,为80.4%。600 mg·L-1乙烯利处理后可溶性糖最高,为14.68%,且可溶性固形物最高,为18.70%, 200 mg·L-1多效唑处理后最低,为10.93%。冰水处理与对照的总酸差异较小,而乙烯利处理对果实总酸降低明显。对照组维生素C含量最高,200 mg·L-1多效唑和66.7 mg·L-1烯效唑处理后维生素C含量最低,分别仅为37.2 mg mg·kg-1和35.1 mg·kg-1。综上可知,乙烯利对果实可溶性糖和固体物的积累有促进作用,且总酸含量低。
表 3 不同催花处理对“台农16号”凤梨果实内在品质的影响
Table 3. Effects of different flower forcing on fruit quality of Tainong No.16
处理Treatments 含水量/%Water content 可溶性糖/%Soluble sugar 可溶性固形物/%Total soluble solid 总酸/(g·kg-1)Total acid 维生素C/(mg·kg-1)Vitamin C 对照 85.33±0.19ab 11.87±0.64a 13.50±0.14cd 4.54±0.61a 91.8±22.3a NAA20 83.90±2.65bc 13.99±2.18a 15.47±2.54bc 4.22±0.94a 51.8±22.8bc 冰水2次 82.27±0.70cd 12.97±1.40a 14.50±1.23bc 4.49±0.62a 72.7±0abc 冰水3次 82.63±1.39bcd 12.62±1.67a 14.63±1.27bc 4.44±0.67a 67.6±15.6abc 300 mg·L-1乙烯利 83.0±0.51bcd 12.03±1.05a 16.40±0.64ab 0.47±0.11b 52.6±10.8bc 600 mg·L-1乙烯利 80.40±2.07d 14.68±3.02a 18.70±1.13a 0.59±0.05b 89.1±27.4ab 多效唑 87.80±1.35a 11.91±1.96a 10.93±0.34e 4.13±0.91a 37.2±4.1c 烯效唑 87.07±0.90a 12.84±2.01a 11.07±0.42de 4.15±0.85a 35.1±3.5c -
表 4 凤梨不同性状的相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation analysis of pineapple morphology
性状Character 株高Plant height 叶长Lenth of leaf 叶宽wide of leaf 冠芽长Lenth of crown bud 吸芽数Stem bud 裔芽数Carpopodium bud 果纵径Diameter of fruit height 果横径Diameter of fruit width 果形长宽比Long and width ratio of fruit 株高Plant height 1.00 叶长Lenth of leaf -0.63 1.00 叶宽wide of leaf -0.06 0.31 1.00 冠芽长Lenth of crown bud 0.08 0.14 0.21 1.00 吸芽数Stem bud 0.47 -0.47 0.54 -0.34 1.00 裔芽数Carpopodium bud -0.32 0.00 -0.06 -0.85** 0.16 1.00 果纵径Diameter of fruit height 0.48 -0.26 0.72* -0.20 0.93 0.11 1.00 果横径Diameter of fruit width 0.77 -0.21 0.29 0.17 0.55 -0.50 0.58 1.00 果形长宽比Long and width ratio of fruit -0.22 -0.05 0.56 -0.41 0.53 0.61 0.59 -0.32 1.00 果柄粗Diameter of carpopodium 0.33 -0.16 0.74* -0.32 0.87** 0.34 0.96** 0.39 0.72* 单果重Fruit weight 0.45 -0.14 0.28 0.85** 0.02 -0.84** 0.16 0.51 -0.33 无冠芽果率Ratio of none crow bud -0.65 0.49 -0.13 -0.57 -0.31 0.77* -0.33 -0.60 0.21 水分Water content -0.79* 0.49 0.09 -0.44 -0.25 0.76* -0.24 -0.76* 0.48 可溶性糖Soluble sugar 0.38 -0.14 -0.36 --0.18 0.07 -0.26 0.04 0.46 -0.37 可溶性固形物Total soluble solid 0.65 -0.41 -0.34 0.51 -0.09 -0.76* -0.10 0.54 -0.65 总酸Total acid -0.01 -0.20 0.21 -0.81* 0.58 0.87** 0.51 -0.16 0.74* 维生素CVitamin C 0.82* -0.52 -0.41 0.12 0.11 -0.38 0.02 0.58 -0.58 注: *表示在0.05水平上显著相关,**表示在0.01水平上显著相关。Note: *indicate the significant difference of 0.05 level, **indicate the significant difference of 0.01 level.
Effects of different flower forcing methods on flowering and fruit quality of pineapple 'Tainong 16'
摘要: 催花技术是凤梨(Ananas comosus)规模化、标准化生产的关键技术之一,为了解不同催花方法对凤梨生长和果实品质的影响,本研究以‘台农16号’凤梨为材料,比较了8种催花方法对开花率、形态、果实品质和性状相关性的影响。结果表明:不同浓度的乙烯利催花处理后,植株开花率可达97%以上。乙烯利和烯效唑、多效唑组合催花后,表现为植株的株高下降,叶长升高和裔芽数增加。乙烯利催花的果实外形饱满,单果重高,冠芽较长,但果柄偏小,容易弯曲。果实品质测定显示,乙烯利处理后果实的可溶性糖、可溶性固形物和维生素C含量升高,总酸下降。17个性状的相关性分析表明,吸芽长、果柄粗与果实的单果重和果纵径等产量指标相关性高,而裔芽数、果实含水量高会影响果实的单果重和可溶性固形物的积累。总体来说,乙烯利催花处理具有较好的开花率、果实形状和品质,该方法可以作为珠三角地区‘台农16号’凤梨催花方法。Abstract: Flower forcing is one of the key practices for large-scale and standardized pineapple production. In order to understand the effects of different flower forcing methods on the growth and fruit quality of pineapple, pineapple cultivar 'Tainong 16' was forced to flower by using eight flower forcing methods, and its flowering rate, morphology and fruit quality were determined and analyzed by using correlation analysis. The results showed that the pineapple treated with ethephon at different concentrations was forced to flower at a rate of more than 97%. Under the ethephon treatment in combination of uniconazole or paclobutrazol the plant height decreased, the leaf length and the number of slips increased. Under the ethephon treatment the fruit weight was higher, and the crown was longer, but the peduncle was smaller and easy to break. Fruit quality test showed that the pineapple in the ethephon treatment had higher contents of soluble sugar, soluble solid and vitamin C, and a lower content of total acid. Correlation analysis of 17 characteristics showed the sucker length and the peduncle thickness were highly correlated with yield index, such as fruit weight and longitudinal diameter, whereas the number of slips and the high water content of fruit affected the accumulation of fruit weight and soluble solid. On the whole, ethephon treatment increased the flowering rate, and improved the fruit shape and quality, and can hence be used to promote the production of pineapple 'Tainong 16' in the Pearl River Delta region.
Key words:
- Tainong 16 /
- pineapple /
- flower forcing /
- quality
注释:1) 潘学峰 -
表 1 不同催花处理对“台农16号”植株形态性状的影响
Table 1 Effects of different flowering forcing on plant morphology
处理Treatments 株高/cmPlant height 叶长/cmLenth of leaves 叶宽/cmWide of leaves 冠芽长/cmLenth of crown bud 吸芽数/个Stem bud 裔芽数/个Carpopodium bud CK 63.0±5.0ab 66.7±7.0bc 5.6±0.5c 14.1±2.7bcd 2.5±1.5bc 3.8±1.1ab NAA 61.7±6.5ab 65.2±5.2c 5.7±0.4bc 11.6±4.7d 3.8±b 4.5±1.9a 冰水2次 63.4±9.3ab 64.8±5.5c 6.5±1.1ab 14.1±5.4bcd 7.2±1.6a 2.2±0.9c 冰水3次 66.6±7.8a 69.3±3.3abc 7.0±0.7a 17.2±1.7bc 6.0±1.0a 2.5±1.0bc 300 mg·L-1乙烯利 58.8±3.4bc 69.5±4.8abc 6.3±0.4abc 23.7±2.4a 1.7±1.3c 0.0±0.0d 600 mg·L-1乙烯利 64.6±6.1ab 71.6±4.4ab 5.8±0.7bc 18.0±1.8b 2.2±1.8bc 0.0±0.0d 多效唑 55.8±4.4c 74.8±2.1a 6.5±0.8ab 14.4±2.3bcd 2.8±1.1bc 4.3±1.3a 烯效唑 55.4±6.4c 74.9±4.6a 6.4±0.4abc 13.4±2.5cd 3.0±1.0bc 3.7±1.3ab 注: 不同字母表示不同处理间在0.05水平差异显著(LSD),不同字母表示不同处理之间的差异显著性比较,下同。Note: The different letters indicate the significant difference of 0.05 level (LSD) in different treatments, the different letters indicate the significant difference between treatments. The same below.表 2 不同催花处理对“台农16号”果实形态性状的影响
Table 2 Effects of different flower forcing on fruit morphology
处理Treatments 果纵径/cmDiameter of fruit height 果横径/cmDiameter of fruit width 果形长宽比Long and width ratio of fruit 果柄粗/cmDiameter of carpopodium 单果质量/kgFruits weight 无冠芽果率/%Ratio of none crow bud CK 14.37±0.67b 10.78±0.53a 1.33±0.06a 2.20±0.24cd 0.91±0.12bc 8.64±1.75b NAA 15.35±0.83b 10.78±0.50a 1.42±0.05a 2.60±1.07c 0.97±0.13abc 4.94±1.75c 冰水2次 17.18±1.05a 12.25±0.44a 1.40±0.06a 3.10±0.64b 1.01±0.10abc 1.11±0.15c 冰水3次 18.10±0.26a 12.32±0.33a 1.47±0.04a 3.73±0.26a 1.12±0.16ab 1.11±0.15c 300 mg·L-1乙烯利 14.25±1.28b 10.75±0.95a 1.33±0.11a 1.96±0.34d 1.18±0.23a 0.00±0.00d 600 mg·L-1乙烯利 14.62±1.71b 12.52±5.03a 1.17±0.37a 1.95±0.34d 1.10±0.17ab 1.23±1.75c 多效唑 15.03±1.23b 10.96±0.78a 1.37±0.16a 2.66±0.41bc 0.94±0.16bc 13.33±7.2a 烯效唑 15.33±1.49b 10.41±0.59a 1.47±0.07a 2.57±0.36c 0.89±0.21c 8.89±4.16b 表 3 不同催花处理对“台农16号”凤梨果实内在品质的影响
Table 3 Effects of different flower forcing on fruit quality of Tainong No.16
处理Treatments 含水量/%Water content 可溶性糖/%Soluble sugar 可溶性固形物/%Total soluble solid 总酸/(g·kg-1)Total acid 维生素C/(mg·kg-1)Vitamin C 对照 85.33±0.19ab 11.87±0.64a 13.50±0.14cd 4.54±0.61a 91.8±22.3a NAA20 83.90±2.65bc 13.99±2.18a 15.47±2.54bc 4.22±0.94a 51.8±22.8bc 冰水2次 82.27±0.70cd 12.97±1.40a 14.50±1.23bc 4.49±0.62a 72.7±0abc 冰水3次 82.63±1.39bcd 12.62±1.67a 14.63±1.27bc 4.44±0.67a 67.6±15.6abc 300 mg·L-1乙烯利 83.0±0.51bcd 12.03±1.05a 16.40±0.64ab 0.47±0.11b 52.6±10.8bc 600 mg·L-1乙烯利 80.40±2.07d 14.68±3.02a 18.70±1.13a 0.59±0.05b 89.1±27.4ab 多效唑 87.80±1.35a 11.91±1.96a 10.93±0.34e 4.13±0.91a 37.2±4.1c 烯效唑 87.07±0.90a 12.84±2.01a 11.07±0.42de 4.15±0.85a 35.1±3.5c 表 4 凤梨不同性状的相关性分析
Table 4 Correlation analysis of pineapple morphology
性状Character 株高Plant height 叶长Lenth of leaf 叶宽wide of leaf 冠芽长Lenth of crown bud 吸芽数Stem bud 裔芽数Carpopodium bud 果纵径Diameter of fruit height 果横径Diameter of fruit width 果形长宽比Long and width ratio of fruit 株高Plant height 1.00 叶长Lenth of leaf -0.63 1.00 叶宽wide of leaf -0.06 0.31 1.00 冠芽长Lenth of crown bud 0.08 0.14 0.21 1.00 吸芽数Stem bud 0.47 -0.47 0.54 -0.34 1.00 裔芽数Carpopodium bud -0.32 0.00 -0.06 -0.85** 0.16 1.00 果纵径Diameter of fruit height 0.48 -0.26 0.72* -0.20 0.93 0.11 1.00 果横径Diameter of fruit width 0.77 -0.21 0.29 0.17 0.55 -0.50 0.58 1.00 果形长宽比Long and width ratio of fruit -0.22 -0.05 0.56 -0.41 0.53 0.61 0.59 -0.32 1.00 果柄粗Diameter of carpopodium 0.33 -0.16 0.74* -0.32 0.87** 0.34 0.96** 0.39 0.72* 单果重Fruit weight 0.45 -0.14 0.28 0.85** 0.02 -0.84** 0.16 0.51 -0.33 无冠芽果率Ratio of none crow bud -0.65 0.49 -0.13 -0.57 -0.31 0.77* -0.33 -0.60 0.21 水分Water content -0.79* 0.49 0.09 -0.44 -0.25 0.76* -0.24 -0.76* 0.48 可溶性糖Soluble sugar 0.38 -0.14 -0.36 --0.18 0.07 -0.26 0.04 0.46 -0.37 可溶性固形物Total soluble solid 0.65 -0.41 -0.34 0.51 -0.09 -0.76* -0.10 0.54 -0.65 总酸Total acid -0.01 -0.20 0.21 -0.81* 0.58 0.87** 0.51 -0.16 0.74* 维生素CVitamin C 0.82* -0.52 -0.41 0.12 0.11 -0.38 0.02 0.58 -0.58 注: *表示在0.05水平上显著相关,**表示在0.01水平上显著相关。Note: *indicate the significant difference of 0.05 level, **indicate the significant difference of 0.01 level. -
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