菠萝(Ananas comosus L.
Merr.)属于凤梨科多年生单子叶草本植物,原产于南美洲热带和亚热带地区,是一种重要的热带水果,具有鲜食、酿酒、榨汁等多方面用途[1-2]。菠萝引入中国至今已有400多年历史,目前中国已成为菠萝生产与消费大国之一,每年菠萝的消费总量以7.5%的速度增长。菠萝同时也是全球第三大热带水果,占全球热带水果产量的23%[3],统计结果显示,目前全球已超过90个国家和地区种植菠萝,世界菠萝的生产和贸易整体呈现稳定增长趋势[4-5]。‘台农17号’又称金钻菠萝,最早是由我国台湾省农业试验所凤山热带园艺试验分所选育并推广的优质品种。‘台农17号’菠萝肉质细腻,果肉呈黄色或深黄色;果芯部分稍大,但硬度适中,具备可食性,整体风味与口感上乘,深受市场青睐。目前金钻菠萝已经在广东、海南、广西和云南等地广泛种植,尤其是在海南,已成为该省主栽品种之一[6-9]。 刘胜辉等[10]研究发现,‘台农17号’菠萝引种海南后,在催花方面多依靠‘巴厘’的催花经验,加上夏季高温等原因,常发生催花失败,整体表现为低抽蕾率甚至是不抽蕾,直接导致了当季菠萝的失收,严重影响了‘台农17号’菠萝的推广。果实品质方面,姚艳丽等[11]对‘巴厘’菠萝的反季节(5—8月)催花研究发现,反季节催花的‘巴厘’菠萝的维生素C、单果质量、可溶性固形物含量显著低于正造果。鉴于‘台农17号’菠萝夏季催花难的特点及前人对‘台农17号’菠萝不同时间催花处理间果实内在品质变化的关注较少,本研究以‘台农17号’菠萝为研究试材,在前人的基础上进一步研究不同时间催花处理对菠萝果实产量、果实品质及内源激素的影响,为实际生产提供理论支撑。
T1、T2处理当月的平均最低气温为24 ℃,平均最高气温分别为32 ℃、31 ℃(图3)。不同的是,T1处理催花当月的最高气温除了少数几天外,均维持在32 ℃ ~ 35 ℃的较高气温,而T2处理在月中催花时最高气温已开始逐渐下降,渐渐低于最高气温平均值(31 ℃)。
图 3 不同时间催花处理当月日极温变化
Figure 3. The daily extreme temperature change in the month of flower-forcing treatment at different time
如表1所示,T1处理的果实发育期平均温度(10—11月,24.3 ℃)高于T2处理(11—翌年1月,18.8 ℃),但果实成熟期的平均温度(12—翌年1月,16.3 ℃)低于T2处理(2—3月,21.8 ℃)。此外,T1处理当月降雨天数近半,多为中雨、大雨和暴雨偏多,而T2处理当月降雨较少,且多为小雨。
表 1 催花至果实成熟期每月温度变化
Table 1. Monthly temperature changes from flower-forcing to fruit maturing
项目Item 处理Treatment 日期Date 2022-08 2022-09 2022-10 2022-11 2022-12 2023-01 2023-02 2023-03 月极温变化范围Range of monthly extreme temperature/℃ T1 23.0 ~ 35.0 23.0 ~ 34.0 15.0 ~ 31.0 20.0 ~ 32.0 8.0 ~ 24.0 7.0 ~ 30.0 T2 23.0 ~ 34.0 15.0 ~ 31.0 20.0 ~ 32.0 8.0 ~ 24.0 7.0 ~ 30.0 13.0 ~ 34.0 14.0 ~ 38.0 月均温Month mean temperature/°C T1 28.0 27.5 24.0 24.5 16.5 16.0 T2 27.5 24.5 24 16.5 16 21 22.5 注: T1:2022年8月催花处理;T2:2022年9月催化处理(下同)。空白:无此项,未测。Note: T1:Flower-forcing treatment in August 2022; T2: Flower-forcing treatment in September 2022 (The same as below).Black:none, not measured. -
9月中旬催花(T2处理)提升了‘台农17号’菠萝的相关品质指标——可滴定酸、糖酸比、可溶性蛋白(表2)。相较于T1处理,T2处理的可溶性固形物含量与之没有显著差异;果实的糖酸比、可溶蛋白含量分别为31.55、2.06 mg·g-1,分别显著提升了23.73%、50.36%;果实可滴定酸为0.58%,显著降低了14.71%。
表 2 不同时间催花处理下‘台农17号’菠萝正常商品果实内在品质
Table 2. The internal quality of the normal commercial fruit of pineapple ‘Tainong 17’ under treatment at different time
处理Treatment 可溶性固形物Soluble solids/% 可滴定酸Titratable acids/% 糖酸比Sugar-acid ratio 抗坏血酸Ascorbic acid/(mg·kg-1) 可溶性蛋白Soluble proteins/(mg·g-1) T1 17.27 ± 0.02a 0.68 ± 0.04a 25.50 ± 1.50b 336.30 ± 2.07a 1.37 ± 0.09b T2 18.30 ± 0.50a 0.58 ± 0.02b 31.55 ± 0.53a 261.30 ± 10.20b 2.06 ± 1.27a 注: 不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).不同时间催花处理对菠萝果实糖组分有一定影响(表3)。‘台农17号’菠萝果实的糖分积累主要以蔗糖为主,但各果型间的蔗糖含量无显著差异。同时期不同果型间对比结果显示,正常果的果糖显著高于无冠果,两处理的正常果的果糖含量比无冠果分别提升29.66%和9.02%,但不同果型间葡萄糖含量无明显规律。
表 3 不同时间催花处理下‘台农17号’菠萝正常果、无冠果实糖组分及果肉碳氮比
Table 3. Sugar components and pulp ratio of carbon to nitrogen of the normal and crownless fruits of ‘Tainong 17’ under forcing treatment at different time
项目Item 蔗糖Sucrose/(mg·g-1) 葡萄糖Glucose/(mg·g-1) 果糖Fructose/(mg·g-1) 果肉碳氮比Pulp C/N ratio T1-无冠果T1-Crownless fruit 28.66 ± 1.15a 19.96 ± 0.40a 12.24 ± 0.11c 150.43 ± 8.84b T1-正常果T1-Normal fruit 31.54 ± 1.07a 12.71 ± 0.32b 15.87 ± 0.28a 192.59 ± 0.26a T2-无冠果T2-Crownless fruit 31.98 ± 1.97a 12.17 ± 0.65b 14.75 ± 0.07b 143.87 ± 3.71b T2-正常果T2-Normal fruit 31.75 ± 0.34a 15.19 ± 1.58b 16.08 ± 0.37a 194.73 ± 8.89a 注: 各糖组分含量均以鲜质量计;不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: The content of each sugar component is based on fresh weight; different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).同一时间催花处理对不同果型菠萝的果肉碳氮比有显著性差异。均表现为正常果果肉碳氮比显著高于无冠果,分别高28.03%、35.35%。不同时间催花处理的正常果碳氮比及无冠果碳氮比均无显著差异。
Effects of flower-forcing treatment at different time on the fruit quality of pineapple ‘Tainong 17’
摘要: 为明确不同时间催花处理对‘台农17号’菠萝果实的产量、品质及关键内源激素的影响,通过大田试验分别于2022年8月及9月中旬进行不同时间催花处理(2.0%电石溶液间隔1 d于夜间灌心3 ~ 5 s),统计催花后菠萝的正常果率、植株干物质、产量品质及内源激素含量等差异。结果表明:9月中旬催花处理菠萝果实成熟时长约比8月中旬催花处理的长30 d;其无冠、多冠等畸形果占比相较8月中旬催花少31.33%;9月中旬催花处理干物质积累量、产量、糖酸比及可溶性蛋白含量分别比8月中旬催花处理提升了6.63%、25.75%、23.73%、50.36%,可滴定酸显著降低了14.71%;不同果型果实的糖组分差异不大,均以蔗糖积累为主;不同时间催花处理对正常果、无冠果实的内源激素都有显著性影响,相较8月中旬催花处理,9月中旬催花处理显著降低了无冠果的赤霉素、脱落酸、反式玉米素含量,分别降低了23.81%、41.67%、17.54%,无冠果茉莉酸含量显著提高了120.93%;显著降低了正常果脱落酸、水杨酸含量,分别降低了18.18%、54.81%,正常果反式玉米素含量显著提高了27.91%。综合分析认为,9月中旬催花的‘台农17号’菠萝果实品质和产量更好。Abstract: In order to clarify the effects of flower-forcing treatment at different time on the yield, quality and key endogenous hormones of fruits of pineapple ‘Tainong 17’, flower-forcing treatment was carried out at different time in August and mid-September 2022. Pineapple plants were treated with 2.0% calcium carbide solution at night for 3-5 s at an interval of 1 day in the field. The normal fruit rate, plant dry matter, yield quality and endogenous hormone content of pineapple after forced flowering were determined and their differences were statistically analyzed. The results showed that the maturing time of pineapple fruits in mid-September was about 30 days longer than that in mid-August, and that the proportion of deformed fruits without crowns and multiple crowns in mid-September was 31.33% less than in mid-August. The dry matter accumulation, yield, sugar-acid ratio and soluble protein content of the fruits in the mid-September flower-forcing treatment increased by 6.63%, 25.75%, 23.73% and 50.36%, respectively, and the titratable acid decreased by 14.71%. Compared with the flower-forcing treatment in mid-August, the contents of gibberellin, abscisic acid and trans-zeatin in the fruit of the mid-September treatment were significantly reduced, and the contents of jasmonic acid in the deformed fruit without crowns were significantly increased by 120.93%, and the abscisic acid content in the normal fruits was significantly reduced. In the normal fruits the content of salicylic acid was decreased by 18.18% and 54.81%, respectively, and the content of trans-zeatin was significantly increased by 27.91%. Comprehensive analysis showed that the pineapple ‘Tainong 17’ was higher in fruit quality and yield when forced to flower in mid-September.
Key words:
- pineapple /
- flower forcing treatment at different time /
- quality /
- yield /
- endogenous hormones
注释:1) 胡晓苹 -
图 2 不同时间催花处理的无冠果与正常果差异
A、C. T1处理无冠果与正常果;B、D. T2处理无冠果与正常果;E. 田间无冠果。
Fig. 2 Differences between crownless and normal fruits in flower-forcing treatment at different time
A,C. Crownless and normal fruits in T1 treatment; B, D. Crownless and normal fruits in T2 treatment; E. Crownless fruits in the field
表 1 催花至果实成熟期每月温度变化
Table 1 Monthly temperature changes from flower-forcing to fruit maturing
项目Item 处理Treatment 日期Date 2022-08 2022-09 2022-10 2022-11 2022-12 2023-01 2023-02 2023-03 月极温变化范围Range of monthly extreme temperature/℃ T1 23.0 ~ 35.0 23.0 ~ 34.0 15.0 ~ 31.0 20.0 ~ 32.0 8.0 ~ 24.0 7.0 ~ 30.0 T2 23.0 ~ 34.0 15.0 ~ 31.0 20.0 ~ 32.0 8.0 ~ 24.0 7.0 ~ 30.0 13.0 ~ 34.0 14.0 ~ 38.0 月均温Month mean temperature/°C T1 28.0 27.5 24.0 24.5 16.5 16.0 T2 27.5 24.5 24 16.5 16 21 22.5 注: T1:2022年8月催花处理;T2:2022年9月催化处理(下同)。空白:无此项,未测。Note: T1:Flower-forcing treatment in August 2022; T2: Flower-forcing treatment in September 2022 (The same as below).Black:none, not measured.表 2 不同时间催花处理下‘台农17号’菠萝正常商品果实内在品质
Table 2 The internal quality of the normal commercial fruit of pineapple ‘Tainong 17’ under treatment at different time
处理Treatment 可溶性固形物Soluble solids/% 可滴定酸Titratable acids/% 糖酸比Sugar-acid ratio 抗坏血酸Ascorbic acid/(mg·kg-1) 可溶性蛋白Soluble proteins/(mg·g-1) T1 17.27 ± 0.02a 0.68 ± 0.04a 25.50 ± 1.50b 336.30 ± 2.07a 1.37 ± 0.09b T2 18.30 ± 0.50a 0.58 ± 0.02b 31.55 ± 0.53a 261.30 ± 10.20b 2.06 ± 1.27a 注: 不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).表 3 不同时间催花处理下‘台农17号’菠萝正常果、无冠果实糖组分及果肉碳氮比
Table 3 Sugar components and pulp ratio of carbon to nitrogen of the normal and crownless fruits of ‘Tainong 17’ under forcing treatment at different time
项目Item 蔗糖Sucrose/(mg·g-1) 葡萄糖Glucose/(mg·g-1) 果糖Fructose/(mg·g-1) 果肉碳氮比Pulp C/N ratio T1-无冠果T1-Crownless fruit 28.66 ± 1.15a 19.96 ± 0.40a 12.24 ± 0.11c 150.43 ± 8.84b T1-正常果T1-Normal fruit 31.54 ± 1.07a 12.71 ± 0.32b 15.87 ± 0.28a 192.59 ± 0.26a T2-无冠果T2-Crownless fruit 31.98 ± 1.97a 12.17 ± 0.65b 14.75 ± 0.07b 143.87 ± 3.71b T2-正常果T2-Normal fruit 31.75 ± 0.34a 15.19 ± 1.58b 16.08 ± 0.37a 194.73 ± 8.89a 注: 各糖组分含量均以鲜质量计;不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: The content of each sugar component is based on fresh weight; different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05). -
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