霜梅蛾蜡蝉[Metcalfa pruinosa(Say,1830)]属于半翅目(Hemiptera)蛾蜡蝉科(Flatidae)蛾蜡蝉属(Metcalfa),是多种农作物和观赏植物的重要害虫,可刺吸为害导致寄主植物萎蔫、畸形,分泌蜜露和蜡质引发煤污病等,严重影响经济作物的品质,对寄主植物造成破坏甚至致其死亡[1]。霜梅蛾蜡蝉原分布于北美洲[2],1979年意外地从北美引入意大利[3],随后在欧洲迅速传播。该物种于2009年在俄罗斯[4]首次记录下来,2011年我国周边的韩国报道霜梅蛾蜡蝉造成中部地区的许多落叶林树木、观赏树木和农业作物的严重破坏[5]。2019年在乌克兰敖德萨州也报道出现[6]。该虫已被多个国家列为检疫性或限定性有害生物[7]。目前,尚无该虫传入我国的报道,但鉴于霜梅蛾蜡蝉在我国近邻国家已有分布且有极强的扩散能力,随着我国进出口贸易的增加,其传入我国的可能性也逐年增大。因此,本研究参照相关有害生物风险分析方法,针对霜梅蛾蜡蝉入侵中国的风险性进行分析评估,旨在为我国口岸一线检疫人员对其早期监测、预警,并及时制定有效的检疫和防控措施提供参考依据。
根据国际植物检疫措施标准第2号(ISPM No.2)《有害生物风险分析框架》、国际植物检疫措施标准第11号(ISPM No.11)《检疫性有害生物风险分析(包括环境风险和活体转基因生物分析)》、国际植物检疫措施标准第21号(ISPM No.21)《限定的非检疫性有害生物风险分析》、《进境植物和植物产品风险分析管理规定》(20190938-T-469)、《关于进出境植物和植物产品有害生物风险分析技术要求》(GB/T 20879-2007)、《进出境植物和植物产品有害生物风险分析工作指南》(GB/T 21658-2008)、《风险分析框架》(GB/T 27616-2011)等,收集整理霜梅蛾蜡蝉的相关文献与数据,采用定性评估从进入可能性、定殖可能性、扩散可能性以及经济影响等方面进行分析,在定性评估的基础上,参照蒋青等[8]建立的有害生物风险性分析指标体系,运用多指标评价方法,建立霜梅蛾蜡蝉风险性分析的综合评判指标并加以赋分,进行半定量分析。
表 1 霜梅蛾蜡蝉随货物携带进境的可能性
Table 1. The possibility of Metcalfa pruinosa being carried into the country with the cargo
Inbound cargo可能性分析
Probability analysis携带疫情能力
Capability of
carrying pest繁殖材料(寄主)
materials (Host)种子
Non-harmful parts低
Tissue culture seedlings有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low裸根苗
Bare-root seedlings非危害部位
Non-harmful parts低
Main harmful parts高
Non-harmful parts低
Tuber roots非危害部位
Non-harmful parts低
Non-harmful parts低
Bulbs, corms非危害部位
Non-harmful parts低
Fresh cut flowers非主要危害部位
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Aquatic plants非寄主
Extremely low果蔬产品(寄主)
Fruit and vegetable
Non-harmful parts中
Stem and leafy vegetables非主要危害部位
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts高
Wood products原木(经过熏蒸处理)
Raw wood
(treated by fumigation)有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low木包装
Wooden packaging有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low竹、草制品
Bamboo and straw products非寄主
Extremely low深加工植物类产品
Highly processed
plant products真空包装
Vacuum packaging有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low高温处理(>50 ℃)
High temperature treatment(>50 ℃)超过适生范围
outside the suitable ecological niche极低
Extremely low熏蒸处理
Fumigation treatment无害化处理
harmless treatment低
Chemical treatment无害化处理
harmless treatment低
Dried flowers超过适生范围
outside the suitable ecological niche极低
Extremely low进境方式
Mode of entry货物
Determined by the type of product邮寄物(植物类)
Mail items(plant category)依据产品种类判别
Determined by the type of product表 2 来自不同时间、不同地点携带疫情进境的可能性
Table 2. The possibility of carrying the pest into China from different time and places
Main host plants in quarantined areas疫区其它植物
Other plants in
quarantined areas非疫区寄主植物
Main host plants in quarantined areas非疫区其它植物
Other plants in
quarantined areas繁殖期 Propagation period 高 High 中 Medium 中 Medium 低 Low 休眠期 Dormant period 高 High 中 Medium 低 Low 极低 Very low 表 3 检疫查验检出携带疫情的难易程度
Table 3. The difficulty of quarantine inspection to detect the carrying epidemic
类别 Category 卵 Eggs 若虫 Nymphs 成虫Adults 隔离检疫 Isolation quarantine 中 Medium 易 Easy 易 Easy 常规查验 Routine inspection 难 Difficult 中 Medium 易 Easy 表 4 进境寄主植物不同用途携带疫情传入的风险性
Table 4. Risk of different uses of imported host plants to carry epidemic introduction
Identification and blockade ability风险性
Risk level大规模田间、绿化种植 Large-scale field, greening planting 低 Low 高 High 小规模温室种植 Small-scale greenhouse planting 高High 中 Medium 家用庭院种植 Home courtyard planting 中 Medium 高 High 家用室内种植 Home indoor planting 高 High 低 Low 深加工 Deep processing 高 High 低 Low 简易加工 Simple processing 中 Medium 高 High 贸易 Trade 中 Medium 高 High 副产品和废物 By-products and waste 低 Low 高 High 根据上述分析,对疫情进入风险事件预测如下:
表 5 霜梅蛾蜡蝉定殖我国的可能性评估
Table 5. Evaluation of the possibility of colonization of Metcalfa pruinosa in China
Influencing factor影响程度Influence degree 定殖可能性
Climate conditions可完成生活史,大范围适宜
Can complete the life history, suitable for living in a wide range+ 寄主范围
Host range广泛
Wide+ 大量降水
A lot of rainfall降低繁殖
Reduces reproduction− 持续37℃以上高温
Continuous high temperature above 37℃抑制发育
Inhibits development− 持续17℃以下低温
Continuous low temperature below 17℃抑制发育
Inhibits development− 繁殖能力
Reproductive capacity强
Strong+ 天敌种类
Types of natural enemies有限
Limited− 国内是否已有定殖
Whether there is already colonization in the country否
No− 根除难度
Difficulty of eradication小
Small+ 注:+表示有助于霜梅蛾蜡蝉的传播;−表示会抑制该虫的传播。 Note: + indicates factors that contribute to the spread of Metcalfa pruinosa; − indicates factors that inhibit the spread of this insect. -
霜梅蛾蜡蝉成虫自然扩散能力强,一旦传入,成虫可在周围适宜寄主上补充营养并自然扩散,仅是成虫“自然”扩散就可从受侵扰的区域在每个方向上增加近50 m[10],也可能随木本植物和火车、汽车等运输工具远距离运输,从而造成在境内传播扩散速度无法估计。该虫在我国扩散可能性的影响因素及分析详见表6。
表 6 霜梅蛾蜡蝉传入我国后扩散的可能性评估
Table 6. Evaluation of the spreading possibility of Metcalfa pruinosa if invaded into China
Spreading method传播可能性
Spreading possibility自然扩散
Natural spreading空气、土壤、水流
Air, soil, water flow+ 人为传播
Human-induced spreading花卉、苗木、果蔬调运
Flower, seedling, fruit and vegetable transportation+ 繁殖能力
Reproductive capacity强
Strong+ 国内是否已有扩散
Whether there is already spreading in the country否
No− 运输工具
Transportation tools未经处理的集装箱、邮包
Unprocessed containers, mail packages+ 是否存在传播媒介
Whether there are spreading vectors否
No0 自然障碍的存在与否
Existence of natural barriers否
No0 人为控制的难度
Difficulty of human control难
Difficult+ 植物和植物产品的预定用途
Plant and plant product intended use多为繁殖材料
Mostly of propagating materials+ 是否存在潜在天敌
Existence of potential natural enemies存在有限天敌
Existence of limited natural enemies− 注:+表示有助于霜梅蛾蜡蝉的传播;-表示会抑制该虫的传播。 Note: “+” signifies elements that facilitate the spread of the wax scale, Metcalfa pruinosa; while “−” denotes elements that hinder its dissemination. -
霜梅蛾蜡蝉具有广泛的多食性,繁殖迅速,密集的若虫种群会导致枝条发育不良,而成虫在枝条上聚集会产生大量的蜜露,并在其上形成煤烟霉菌[11]。在大豆中,虫害的症状是叶子萎黄和坏死,叶子和茎上涂有蜡和煤烟霉菌,枝梢枯萎,种子畸形和萎缩[12]。1986年,该虫导致了意大利北部大豆30%~40%的产量损失[13]。该虫因覆盖蜡状物且天敌不明,药剂处理效果甚微[14]。目前有报道认为该害虫是丁香假单胞菌猕猴桃致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae)传播载体,该病菌可引起严重威胁猕猴桃的毁灭性病害猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病[15];此外,该虫能将紫苑黄化病的致病因子紫苑黄化植原体(Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris) 16Sr I-B亚组传给万寿菊(Tagetes patula),导致后者出现丛枝、矮化、花不孕、木质化枯萎致死症状[16]。
表 7 霜梅蛾蜡蝉传入我国经济影响的评估
Table 7. Evaluation of the economic impact of the introduction of Metcalfa pruinosa when invaded into China
Impact degree经济方面
Economic aspect农业生产
Agricultural production可造成大豆30%~40%的减产
Can cause a 30%~40% reduction in soybean production农民收入
Farmers' income葡萄、苹果、梨和李等水果因蜡粉和霉污无法销售
Grapes, apples, pears, and plums cannot be
sold due to wax powder and mold pollution防治成本的投入
Investment in prevention
and control costs人力、物力、经费
Labor, materials, funds生态环境方面
Ecological and
environmental aspects本地物种
Local species威胁本地物种生存
Threaten the survival of local species生态平衡
Ecological balance破坏生态平衡
Destroy ecological balance化学农药
Chemical pesticides土壤和水的污染
Soil and water pollution人身健康
Personal health过敏Allergy 生活环境
Living environment食品安全
Food safety社会影响
Social impact旅游业
Tourism industry社会安定
Social stability间接影响
Indirect impact监测、控制、根除
Monitoring, control, eradication相应措施的费用
The cost of corresponding measures国际贸易
International trade影响产业输出
Affect industry output综上所述,霜梅蛾蜡蝉可以通过疫区国家未经检疫处理的瓜果、蔬菜和大豆等果蔬产品及其繁殖材料有意或无意跨境贸易的途径传入我国,传入我国后可在自然界野生植物到果树,庭院葡萄树以及许多观赏植物上存活并定殖,可通过自然扩散或随木本植物和火车、汽车等运输工具远距离运输而扩散至全国大范围种植区,易造成潜在的巨大经济损失。因此,霜梅蛾蜡蝉入侵我国的风险级别高。
表 8 霜梅蛾蜡蝉风险性半定量评判表
Table 8. Risk semi-quantitative evaluation table for Metcalfa pruinosa
Evaluation index(Pi)评判标准
Evaluation criteria赋分区间
Scoring range
Scoring value1 国内分布情况P1
Domestic distribution situation P1国内有无分布
Whether there is distribution in the country0~3 3 2.1 潜在经济或生态危害性P21(权重值0.70)
Potential economic or ecological harm P21(weight 0.70)如传入是否可造成≥20%的产量损失或相当于同等价值的经济或生态损失
Whether it can cause ≥20% loss of yield or equivalent economic or ecological loss if introduced0~3 3 2.2 是否传带其他有害生物P22(权重值0.20)
Whether it carries other harmful organisms P22(weight 0.20)是否传带丁香假单胞菌猕猴桃致病变种、紫苑黄化病的致病因子——紫苑黄化植原体。
Whether it carries Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, the pathogen of aster yellows disease—— Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris0~3 2 2.3 国外重视程度P23(权重值0.05)
Foreign attention degree P23(weight 0.05)是否有1~9个国家将其列入禁止进境有害生物名单
Whether it has been included 1-9 countries in the list of prohibited entry of harmful organisms0~3 1 3.1 危害对象的种类P31
Types of harmful objects P31寄主是否≥10种
Whether the host is ≥10 species0~3 3 3.2 危害对象分布的范围或生态效益P32
Distribution range or ecological benefits of harmful objects P32是否存在分布范围广或产量大或生态效益大
Whether there is a wide distribution range or large output or large ecological benefits0~3 2 3.3 危害对象的特殊经济价值P33
Special economic value of harmful objects P33危害对象是否具有特殊经济价值:经济价值高,社会影响大
Whether the harmful objects have special economic value: high economic value, great social impact0~3 2 4.1 被查获的频次P41
Frequency of interception P41是否从未截获或历史上只截获过少数几次或频繁被
Whether it has never been intercepted or only a few times in history or frequently intercepted1~3 1 4.2 运输过程中有害生物存活率P42
Survival rate of harmful organisms during transportation P42运输过程中有害生物是否存活率≥40%
Whether the survival rate of harmful organisms during transportation is ≥40%0~3 3 4.3 国外分布广否P43
Whether there is a wide distribution abroad P43在北美、欧洲及亚洲是否都有分布
Whether it is distributed in North America, Europe and Asia0~3 2 4.4 国内适生范围P44
Domestic suitable range P44国内是否具有25%~50%的地区能适生
Whether 25%~50% of the country can adapt to life0~3 2 4.5 传播力P45
Transmission power P45是否由活动力很强的介体传播
Whether it is transmitted by a vector with strong activity1~3 2 5.1 检疫鉴定的难度P51
Difficulty in quarantine identification P51当场鉴定可靠性是否一般需经专门培训的技术人员
Whether the reliability of on-the-spot identification is general and needs to be identified by technicians who have received special training0~3 2 5.2 除害处理的难度P52
Difficulty in eradication treatment P52常规方法的除害效率是否<50%
Whether the efficiency of routine methods for eradication is <50%0~3 2 5.3 根除的难度P53
Difficulty in eradication P53传入后是否容易根除
Whether it is easy to eradicate after introduction0~3 2 -
$$ {P}_{1}=2 \text{;} $$ $$ \begin{split} {P}_{2}=&0.6{P}_{21}+0.2{P}_{22}+0.2{P}_{23}=0.6\times 3+\\&0.2\times 2+0.2\times 1=2.4 \text{;} \end{split}$$ $$ {P}_{3}=\mathrm{M}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}\left({P}_{31},{P}_{32},{P}_{32}\right)=3 \text{;} $$ $$ \begin{split} {P}_{4}=&\sqrt[5]{{P}_{41}\times {P}_{42}\times {P}_{43}\times {P}_{44}\times {P}_{45}}=\\&\sqrt[5]{1\times 3\times 2\times 2\times 2}=\sqrt[5]{24}\approx 1.89 \text{;} \end{split}$$ $$ {P}_{5}=\frac{{P}_{51}+{P}_{52}+{P}_{53}}{3}=\frac{2+2+2}{3}=\frac{6}{3}=2 \text{;} $$ $$\begin{split} \mathrm{R}=&\sqrt[5]{{P}_{1}\times {P}_{2}\times {P}_{3}\times {P}_{4}\times {P}_{5}}=\\&\sqrt[5]{2\times 2.4\times 3\times 1.89\times 2}\approx 2.41 。 \end{split} $$ 经过各项评判指标(Pi)的赋值和风险R值的计算,霜梅蛾蜡蝉入侵我国的综合风险R值等于2.41,按照2.5≤R<3.0为特别危险,2.0≤R<2.5为高度危险,1.5≤R<2.0为中度危险,1.0≤R<1.5为低度危险的分级标准[18],霜梅蛾蜡蝉在我国属于高度危险性有害生物。
Risk analysis of the invation of Metcalfa pruinosa into China
摘要: 霜梅蛾蜡蝉[Metcalfa pruinosa(Say,1830)]是多种经济作物和观赏植物的重要害虫,起源于北美洲,20世纪70年代后迅速扩散,近年已被发现入侵东亚,被多个国家列为检疫性有害生物。目前该虫在我国尚无报道,但在邻近国家已有分布,具有潜在的入侵风险。本研究采用有害生物风险分析程序,应用多指标综合评价方法,对该虫进行了定性评估和半定量分析,其中,半定量分析结果显示其入侵我国的综合风险R值为2.41,在我国属于高度危险性有害生物。霜梅蛾蜡蝉对我国柑橘、苹果等果树以及大豆作物具有潜在威胁,检疫意义重大,建议检疫部门加强对来自疫区的产品监管,加强对其早期监测、预警,并制定有效的检疫和防控措施。Abstract: Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) is an invasive pest of the genus Solenopsis that originated in North America, spread rapidly after being accidentally introduced into Europe in the late 1970s, and has been found to invade East Asia in recent years. M. pruinosa is a highly polyphagous insect with low host specificity that colonizes a variety of trees, shrubs, fruit trees and crops in agricultural, forest and urban areas. Although not reported in China, the pest has the potential risk of invasion. A qualitative assessment and a semi-quantitative analysis of this pest were carried out by using the pest risk analysis program and multi-index comprehensive evaluation method according to the international and national standards of pest risk analysis. The semi-quantitative analysis showed that the comprehensive risk R value of this pest was 2.41. It is a highly dangerous pest in China, and it is a potential threat to important fruit trees such as citrus, plum and apple as well as soybean crops in China. It is hence suggested that quarantine departments strengthen the regulation and supervision of the products from the quarantined area, perform early monitoring and warning, and formulate effective quarantine and control methods for this pest in China.
Key words:
- Metcalfa pruinosa /
- risk analysis /
- plant quarantine
表 1 霜梅蛾蜡蝉随货物携带进境的可能性
Table 1 The possibility of Metcalfa pruinosa being carried into the country with the cargo
Inbound cargo可能性分析
Probability analysis携带疫情能力
Capability of
carrying pest繁殖材料(寄主)
materials (Host)种子
Non-harmful parts低
Tissue culture seedlings有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low裸根苗
Bare-root seedlings非危害部位
Non-harmful parts低
Main harmful parts高
Non-harmful parts低
Tuber roots非危害部位
Non-harmful parts低
Non-harmful parts低
Bulbs, corms非危害部位
Non-harmful parts低
Fresh cut flowers非主要危害部位
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts中
Aquatic plants非寄主
Extremely low果蔬产品(寄主)
Fruit and vegetable
Non-harmful parts中
Stem and leafy vegetables非主要危害部位
Non-harmful parts中
Non-harmful parts高
Wood products原木(经过熏蒸处理)
Raw wood
(treated by fumigation)有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low木包装
Wooden packaging有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low竹、草制品
Bamboo and straw products非寄主
Extremely low深加工植物类产品
Highly processed
plant products真空包装
Vacuum packaging有无害化处理
With harmless treatment极低
Extremely low高温处理(>50 ℃)
High temperature treatment(>50 ℃)超过适生范围
outside the suitable ecological niche极低
Extremely low熏蒸处理
Fumigation treatment无害化处理
harmless treatment低
Chemical treatment无害化处理
harmless treatment低
Dried flowers超过适生范围
outside the suitable ecological niche极低
Extremely low进境方式
Mode of entry货物
Determined by the type of product邮寄物(植物类)
Mail items(plant category)依据产品种类判别
Determined by the type of product表 2 来自不同时间、不同地点携带疫情进境的可能性
Table 2 The possibility of carrying the pest into China from different time and places
Main host plants in quarantined areas疫区其它植物
Other plants in
quarantined areas非疫区寄主植物
Main host plants in quarantined areas非疫区其它植物
Other plants in
quarantined areas繁殖期 Propagation period 高 High 中 Medium 中 Medium 低 Low 休眠期 Dormant period 高 High 中 Medium 低 Low 极低 Very low 表 3 检疫查验检出携带疫情的难易程度
Table 3 The difficulty of quarantine inspection to detect the carrying epidemic
类别 Category 卵 Eggs 若虫 Nymphs 成虫Adults 隔离检疫 Isolation quarantine 中 Medium 易 Easy 易 Easy 常规查验 Routine inspection 难 Difficult 中 Medium 易 Easy 表 4 进境寄主植物不同用途携带疫情传入的风险性
Table 4 Risk of different uses of imported host plants to carry epidemic introduction
Identification and blockade ability风险性
Risk level大规模田间、绿化种植 Large-scale field, greening planting 低 Low 高 High 小规模温室种植 Small-scale greenhouse planting 高High 中 Medium 家用庭院种植 Home courtyard planting 中 Medium 高 High 家用室内种植 Home indoor planting 高 High 低 Low 深加工 Deep processing 高 High 低 Low 简易加工 Simple processing 中 Medium 高 High 贸易 Trade 中 Medium 高 High 副产品和废物 By-products and waste 低 Low 高 High 表 5 霜梅蛾蜡蝉定殖我国的可能性评估
Table 5 Evaluation of the possibility of colonization of Metcalfa pruinosa in China
Influencing factor影响程度Influence degree 定殖可能性
Climate conditions可完成生活史,大范围适宜
Can complete the life history, suitable for living in a wide range+ 寄主范围
Host range广泛
Wide+ 大量降水
A lot of rainfall降低繁殖
Reduces reproduction− 持续37℃以上高温
Continuous high temperature above 37℃抑制发育
Inhibits development− 持续17℃以下低温
Continuous low temperature below 17℃抑制发育
Inhibits development− 繁殖能力
Reproductive capacity强
Strong+ 天敌种类
Types of natural enemies有限
Limited− 国内是否已有定殖
Whether there is already colonization in the country否
No− 根除难度
Difficulty of eradication小
Small+ 注:+表示有助于霜梅蛾蜡蝉的传播;−表示会抑制该虫的传播。 Note: + indicates factors that contribute to the spread of Metcalfa pruinosa; − indicates factors that inhibit the spread of this insect. 表 6 霜梅蛾蜡蝉传入我国后扩散的可能性评估
Table 6 Evaluation of the spreading possibility of Metcalfa pruinosa if invaded into China
Spreading method传播可能性
Spreading possibility自然扩散
Natural spreading空气、土壤、水流
Air, soil, water flow+ 人为传播
Human-induced spreading花卉、苗木、果蔬调运
Flower, seedling, fruit and vegetable transportation+ 繁殖能力
Reproductive capacity强
Strong+ 国内是否已有扩散
Whether there is already spreading in the country否
No− 运输工具
Transportation tools未经处理的集装箱、邮包
Unprocessed containers, mail packages+ 是否存在传播媒介
Whether there are spreading vectors否
No0 自然障碍的存在与否
Existence of natural barriers否
No0 人为控制的难度
Difficulty of human control难
Difficult+ 植物和植物产品的预定用途
Plant and plant product intended use多为繁殖材料
Mostly of propagating materials+ 是否存在潜在天敌
Existence of potential natural enemies存在有限天敌
Existence of limited natural enemies− 注:+表示有助于霜梅蛾蜡蝉的传播;-表示会抑制该虫的传播。 Note: “+” signifies elements that facilitate the spread of the wax scale, Metcalfa pruinosa; while “−” denotes elements that hinder its dissemination. 表 7 霜梅蛾蜡蝉传入我国经济影响的评估
Table 7 Evaluation of the economic impact of the introduction of Metcalfa pruinosa when invaded into China
Impact degree经济方面
Economic aspect农业生产
Agricultural production可造成大豆30%~40%的减产
Can cause a 30%~40% reduction in soybean production农民收入
Farmers' income葡萄、苹果、梨和李等水果因蜡粉和霉污无法销售
Grapes, apples, pears, and plums cannot be
sold due to wax powder and mold pollution防治成本的投入
Investment in prevention
and control costs人力、物力、经费
Labor, materials, funds生态环境方面
Ecological and
environmental aspects本地物种
Local species威胁本地物种生存
Threaten the survival of local species生态平衡
Ecological balance破坏生态平衡
Destroy ecological balance化学农药
Chemical pesticides土壤和水的污染
Soil and water pollution人身健康
Personal health过敏Allergy 生活环境
Living environment食品安全
Food safety社会影响
Social impact旅游业
Tourism industry社会安定
Social stability间接影响
Indirect impact监测、控制、根除
Monitoring, control, eradication相应措施的费用
The cost of corresponding measures国际贸易
International trade影响产业输出
Affect industry output表 8 霜梅蛾蜡蝉风险性半定量评判表
Table 8 Risk semi-quantitative evaluation table for Metcalfa pruinosa
Evaluation index(Pi)评判标准
Evaluation criteria赋分区间
Scoring range
Scoring value1 国内分布情况P1
Domestic distribution situation P1国内有无分布
Whether there is distribution in the country0~3 3 2.1 潜在经济或生态危害性P21(权重值0.70)
Potential economic or ecological harm P21(weight 0.70)如传入是否可造成≥20%的产量损失或相当于同等价值的经济或生态损失
Whether it can cause ≥20% loss of yield or equivalent economic or ecological loss if introduced0~3 3 2.2 是否传带其他有害生物P22(权重值0.20)
Whether it carries other harmful organisms P22(weight 0.20)是否传带丁香假单胞菌猕猴桃致病变种、紫苑黄化病的致病因子——紫苑黄化植原体。
Whether it carries Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, the pathogen of aster yellows disease—— Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris0~3 2 2.3 国外重视程度P23(权重值0.05)
Foreign attention degree P23(weight 0.05)是否有1~9个国家将其列入禁止进境有害生物名单
Whether it has been included 1-9 countries in the list of prohibited entry of harmful organisms0~3 1 3.1 危害对象的种类P31
Types of harmful objects P31寄主是否≥10种
Whether the host is ≥10 species0~3 3 3.2 危害对象分布的范围或生态效益P32
Distribution range or ecological benefits of harmful objects P32是否存在分布范围广或产量大或生态效益大
Whether there is a wide distribution range or large output or large ecological benefits0~3 2 3.3 危害对象的特殊经济价值P33
Special economic value of harmful objects P33危害对象是否具有特殊经济价值:经济价值高,社会影响大
Whether the harmful objects have special economic value: high economic value, great social impact0~3 2 4.1 被查获的频次P41
Frequency of interception P41是否从未截获或历史上只截获过少数几次或频繁被
Whether it has never been intercepted or only a few times in history or frequently intercepted1~3 1 4.2 运输过程中有害生物存活率P42
Survival rate of harmful organisms during transportation P42运输过程中有害生物是否存活率≥40%
Whether the survival rate of harmful organisms during transportation is ≥40%0~3 3 4.3 国外分布广否P43
Whether there is a wide distribution abroad P43在北美、欧洲及亚洲是否都有分布
Whether it is distributed in North America, Europe and Asia0~3 2 4.4 国内适生范围P44
Domestic suitable range P44国内是否具有25%~50%的地区能适生
Whether 25%~50% of the country can adapt to life0~3 2 4.5 传播力P45
Transmission power P45是否由活动力很强的介体传播
Whether it is transmitted by a vector with strong activity1~3 2 5.1 检疫鉴定的难度P51
Difficulty in quarantine identification P51当场鉴定可靠性是否一般需经专门培训的技术人员
Whether the reliability of on-the-spot identification is general and needs to be identified by technicians who have received special training0~3 2 5.2 除害处理的难度P52
Difficulty in eradication treatment P52常规方法的除害效率是否<50%
Whether the efficiency of routine methods for eradication is <50%0~3 2 5.3 根除的难度P53
Difficulty in eradication P53传入后是否容易根除
Whether it is easy to eradicate after introduction0~3 2 -
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