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Volume 13 Issue 1
Jan.  2022
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LI Juan, TU Hanqi, WANG Xiuquan. Planting density of Amorphophallus bulbifer intercropped in different planting systems of rubber plantations[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022, 13(1): 81-87. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.01.012
Citation: LI Juan, TU Hanqi, WANG Xiuquan. Planting density of Amorphophallus bulbifer intercropped in different planting systems of rubber plantations[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022, 13(1): 81-87. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.01.012

Planting density of Amorphophallus bulbifer intercropped in different planting systems of rubber plantations

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.01.012
  • Received Date: 2021-05-25
  • Accepted Date: 2021-11-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-10-13
  • Available Online: 2022-01-11
  • Publish Date: 2022-01-31
  • In order to establish an appropriate intercropping pattern and explore the suitable intercropping density of Amorphophallus bulbifer in rubber plantations, Amorphophallus bulbifer was planted as an intercrop at different densities in conventional and paired row rubber plantations to observe the effects of planting density of A. bulbifer on leaf morphological indexes, the number of bulbils of the leaves and plant lodging rate, the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in corms, yield and quality of the corms in the rubber plantations. The results showed that the paired row rubber plantation was more suitable for intercropping with A. bulbifer than conventional rubber plantation, and that the suitable planting densities of A. bulbifer intercropped in the rubber plantations were 40020 and 33345 plants/ha, respectively. Planting systems of the rubber plantations had a greater effect on the growth of the intercrop A. bulbifer than the planting density of the intercrop. The planting density of the intercrop in the conventional rubber plantation had no significant effect on the leaf morphological index, and the corm yield and quality, but its effects on the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content and absorption varied with the change of planting density of the intercrop in the conventional rubber plantation. In the paired row rubber plantation, the lower the planting density, the shorter the plant, the thicker the petiole, the larger the leaf disc, the more the number of bulbils of the leaves, and the stronger the plant lodging resistance. In the paired row rubber plantation, the plant was shorter with thicker petiole, and was higher in propagation coefficient of the bulbils of the leaves, plant lodging resistance, corm enlargement coefficient, weight of single corm, and corm yield and quality, while the contents of N, P and K in corms were decreased but with slightly higher absorption, as compared to those in the conventional rubber plantation. These results showed that intercropping of A. bulbifer is much better in the paired row rubber plantation than in the conventional rubber plantation, which is more conducive to improvement of corm yield and quality, lodging resistance, and propagation of bulbils of the leaves of A. bulbifer.
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Planting density of Amorphophallus bulbifer intercropped in different planting systems of rubber plantations

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.01.012

Abstract: In order to establish an appropriate intercropping pattern and explore the suitable intercropping density of Amorphophallus bulbifer in rubber plantations, Amorphophallus bulbifer was planted as an intercrop at different densities in conventional and paired row rubber plantations to observe the effects of planting density of A. bulbifer on leaf morphological indexes, the number of bulbils of the leaves and plant lodging rate, the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in corms, yield and quality of the corms in the rubber plantations. The results showed that the paired row rubber plantation was more suitable for intercropping with A. bulbifer than conventional rubber plantation, and that the suitable planting densities of A. bulbifer intercropped in the rubber plantations were 40020 and 33345 plants/ha, respectively. Planting systems of the rubber plantations had a greater effect on the growth of the intercrop A. bulbifer than the planting density of the intercrop. The planting density of the intercrop in the conventional rubber plantation had no significant effect on the leaf morphological index, and the corm yield and quality, but its effects on the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content and absorption varied with the change of planting density of the intercrop in the conventional rubber plantation. In the paired row rubber plantation, the lower the planting density, the shorter the plant, the thicker the petiole, the larger the leaf disc, the more the number of bulbils of the leaves, and the stronger the plant lodging resistance. In the paired row rubber plantation, the plant was shorter with thicker petiole, and was higher in propagation coefficient of the bulbils of the leaves, plant lodging resistance, corm enlargement coefficient, weight of single corm, and corm yield and quality, while the contents of N, P and K in corms were decreased but with slightly higher absorption, as compared to those in the conventional rubber plantation. These results showed that intercropping of A. bulbifer is much better in the paired row rubber plantation than in the conventional rubber plantation, which is more conducive to improvement of corm yield and quality, lodging resistance, and propagation of bulbils of the leaves of A. bulbifer.

LI Juan, TU Hanqi, WANG Xiuquan. Planting density of Amorphophallus bulbifer intercropped in different planting systems of rubber plantations[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022, 13(1): 81-87. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.01.012
Citation: LI Juan, TU Hanqi, WANG Xiuquan. Planting density of Amorphophallus bulbifer intercropped in different planting systems of rubber plantations[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022, 13(1): 81-87. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.01.012
  • 海南植胶面积52.7万hm−2,其中荫蔽度大的成龄胶园占比70%,只有耐荫作物才能在成龄胶园生长,可间作作物少。目前海南省成龄胶园的间作面积仅占植胶面积2.86%。探索具有巨大市场前景的适宜耐荫间作植物是利用胶园林下土地资源的现实需求。珠芽魔芋(Amorphophallus bulbifer)是一种耐荫蔽性强、富含优质膳食纤维、符合国家大健康战略需求、适合在海南高温高湿的环境下生长的作物,市场前景广阔[1-2]。发展橡胶树/珠芽魔芋间作模式,将为成龄橡胶园林下土地的开发利用及胶农种植效益提升提供良好契机。云南胶园间作珠芽魔芋已经取得了很好的种植效益,如景洪市2018年橡胶林下魔芋平均单产为22500 kg·hm−2,2019年因干旱原因产量有所降低,幼龄胶园(5龄)单位产量为13650 kg·hm−2,成龄胶园(12龄)单位产量为11190 kg·hm−2。海南也有少量发展,2019年儋州市成龄胶园(17龄)单位产量为5535 kg·hm−2,单位产量明显偏低[1,3]。影响作物产量的因素很多,除了光照[4-6]、施肥[4,7]等,种植密度[8]也具有很大影响,但珠芽魔芋种植密度的研究尚未见报道。海南胶园类型有常规与宽窄行胶园2种,光照强度完全不同,宽窄行胶园大行间露地面积占胶园总面积的58.3%,可间作林荫地占胶园总面积8.3%,而常规胶园没有露地[9]。本研究拟在常规和宽窄行胶园间作条件下探讨种植密度对不同胶园类型中珠芽魔芋叶形态指标、叶面球茎数量及植株倒伏率、地下球茎的氮磷钾积累量及产量、品质的影响,以期为珠芽魔芋在胶园合理间作提供技术支持。

    • 试验在中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所三队常规胶园与宽窄行胶园(又称全周期间作胶园)进行,此两种胶园均于2002年3 月定植,于2010 年 8 月开割,品种均为‘热研7-20-59’,由中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所提供。常规胶园株行距为3 m × 7 m,宽窄行胶园株行距为2 m×(4 m+20 m)。供试土壤耕层0~20 cm,常规胶园土壤含有机质14.00 g·kg−1,全效氮 0.94 g·kg−1,全效磷 0.53 g·kg−1,全效钾 23.65 g·kg−1,速效磷 5.06 mg·kg−1,速效钾 79.50 mg·kg−1,硝态氮N 60.85 mg·kg−1,铵态氮63.52 mg·kg−1,pH 4.89;宽窄行胶园土壤含有机质15.60 g·kg−1,全效氮 1.09 g·kg−1,全效磷 0.72 g·kg−1,全效钾 14.36 g·kg−1,速效磷 3.02 mg·kg−1,速效钾 117.70 mg·kg−1,硝态氮N 130.62 mg·kg−1,铵态氮179.42 mg·kg−1,pH4.91。

      珠芽魔芋2020年4月,在离橡胶树2 m远的地方开始种植,其中宽窄行胶园的20 m宽行是间作行,4 m窄行不间作。供试肥料为尿素(含N 46.0%),978 kg·hm−2;过磷酸钙(含P2O5 18.0%),667 kg·hm−2;硫酸钾(含K2O 54.0%),556 kg·hm−2。6月、8月各追施1/2的肥料。

    • 常规与宽窄行胶园间作的珠芽魔芋各设5个密度处理,分别为M1:40020株·hm−2;M2:33345株·hm−2,M3:28590株·hm−2,M4:25020株·hm−2,M5:22230株·hm−2。各胶园的每个处理重复3 次,共计30个试验小区。试验小区宽3 m,长10 m,小区面积30 m2,小区之间的间隔距离为2 m,试验小区随机排列。

    • 2020 年9 月,在各小区随机选择 3 株,每个处理共9 株进行调查,分别测定叶面球茎数量、叶柄长度、叶柄直径、叶盘直径及顶裂叶长、宽。







    • 用自来水冲洗珠芽魔芋地下球茎土壤,然后用蒸馏水冲洗3 遍,吸水纸吸干多余水分后,在 105 ℃杀青 30 min,然后在75 ℃烘至恒重后称量干质量。

    • 测定珠芽魔芋地下球茎的可溶性糖、淀粉及葡甘聚糖含量。其中可溶性糖、淀粉含量测定均采用蒽酮法测定[10];葡甘聚糖含量测定采用 3,5− 二硝基水杨酸比色法[11]

    • 样品按照1.3.2节中的方法烘干后粉碎备用。用 H2SO4−H2O2法消化样品,纳氏试纸比色法测定氮,钼蓝比色法测定磷,火焰光度法测定钾[12]

    • 2020年12月收获,按每个试验小区实收地下球茎鲜质量计产,然后折算成单位产量。


    • 使用SPSS 17.0软件对叶柄长度、叶柄直径、叶盘直径、顶裂叶长、顶裂叶宽、叶面球茎数、植株倒伏率、膨大系数、单株鲜质量、产量、氮磷钾含量及吸收量、水分、可溶性糖、淀粉及葡甘聚糖含量在处理间,作双因素的方差分析与邓肯氏复极差多重比较。

    •   从表1可知,间作种植密度对叶柄直径、顶裂叶长、顶裂叶宽的影响显著,而对叶柄长度、叶盘直径、叶面球茎个数、植株倒伏率的影响不显著;胶园类型对叶柄长度、叶柄直径、叶面球茎个数、植株倒伏率的影响极显著,而对叶盘直径、顶裂叶长、顶裂叶宽的影响不显著;间作种植密度与胶园类型的交互作用对顶裂叶长的影响显著,而对叶柄长度、叶柄直径、叶盘直径、顶裂叶宽、叶面球茎个数、植株倒伏率的影响不显著。与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中所有间作种植密度处理的珠芽魔芋的叶柄长度均呈降低趋势,其中M3、M4、M5分别降低了8.24%、6.29%、9.58%;叶柄直径呈增加趋势,其中M5增加了20.81%;叶盘直径、顶裂叶长、顶裂叶宽均在高密度区呈降低趋势,在低密度区呈增加趋势,但各指标在两种胶园的各间作种植密度处理中差异均不显著(除M1中顶裂叶长外);叶面球茎个数呈增加趋势,其中M1、M3、M4、M5分别增加了76.09%、135.71%、102.50%、102.50%;植株倒伏率呈降低趋势,其中M3、M5分别降低了64.73%、60.77%。这些结果说明,与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中的珠芽魔芋矮、粗、叶面球茎数量多,繁殖系数高、抗倒伏能力强,这些表现在低密度间作区更为明显。

      常规胶园 M1 86.3±2.5a 34.2±1.9bc 102.0±3.8ab 52.8±2.6a 43.4±1.9a 4.6±0.4cd 51.1±22.2abc
      M2 85.1±0.8a 35.5±1.9abc 103.4±6.3a 45.7±1.9b 40.7±1.5ab 4.6±0.7cd 38.9±6.9abcd
      M3 87.4±2.2a 32.7±1.8c 99.3±4.4ab 47.4±0.5b 40.1±1.7abc 4.2±0.7cd 56.7±12.0ab
      M4 84.2±1.3ab 35.1±1.2abc 103.3±1.3a 44.3±1.8b 41.8±5.1a 4.0±0.6d 50.0±8.8abc
      M5 86.6±3.3a 29.8±1.3d 91.3±4.4b 43.4±3.7b 33.8±3.4c 4.0±0.3d 62.2±23.6a
      宽窄行胶园 M1 83.9±2.2ab 36.1±1.4ab 99.0±1.2ab 45.8±3.1b 38.2±2.0abc 8.1±1.6ab 37.8±12.6abcd
      M2 83.3±2.0abc 35.9±2.0abc 98.7±4.5ab 44.4±1.1b 37.3±1.5abc 6.6±2.8bc 35.6±8.4bcd
      M3 80.2±5.0bcd 35.0±1.3abc 101.2±14.9ab 47.1±2.0b 39.1±6.3abc 9.9±1.2a 20.0±8.8d
      M4 78.9±2.0cd 38.1±1.5a 106.3±3.2a 46.4±4.2b 40.9±5.7ab 8.1±1.9ab 26.7±3.3cd
      M5 78.3±1.7d 36.0±2.0ab 99.1±2.2ab 44.6±0.7b 34.9±1.3bc 8.1±0.5ab 24.4±6.9d
      项目 叶柄长度/cm 叶柄直径/mm 叶盘直径/cm 顶裂叶长/cm 顶裂叶宽/cm 叶面球茎个数/个 倒伏率/%
      密度 ns ** ns * * ns ns
      胶园类型 *** *** ns ns ns *** ***
      密度×胶园类型 ns ns ns * ns ns ns
        注: 同一列不同字母表示5 %差异显著性水平.采用两因素方差分析。* P < 0. 05,* * P < 0. 01,* * * P < 0. 001, ns表示无显著差异。

      Table 1.  Effect of intercropping density on leaf morphological indexes of Amorphophallus bulbifer under different planting systems of rubber plantation


    • 表2表明,密度、胶园类型、密度与胶园类型的交互作用对珠芽魔芋地下球茎的膨大系数、单株鲜质量及单位产量影响显著。与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中珠芽魔芋地下球茎的膨大系数、单株鲜质量、单位产量均显著增加了,在M1、M2、M3、M4、M5处理中,地下球茎的膨大系数分别增加了136.99%、61.70%、146.75%、117.39%、192.86%;单株鲜质量分别增加了115.17%、47.26%、130.86%、113.80%、192.23%;单位产量分别增加了115.14%、47.31%、130.79%、113.77%、192.20%。这说明宽窄行胶园能增加地下球茎的膨大系数、单个球茎质量,从而提高珠芽魔芋的产量。

      胶园类型密度膨大系数单株鲜质量/g产量/(kg·667 m−2
      常规胶园 M1 0.73±0.03d 189.9±6.0e 506.7±16.1e
      M2 0.94±0.11d 244.2±18.4d 542.8±40.9de
      M3 0.77±0.06d 187.6±14.5e 357.6±27.6f
      M4 0.69±0.07d 165.9±13.9e 276.7±23.2g
      M5 0.70±0.01d 166.0±12.8e 246.1±18.9g
      宽窄行胶园 M1 1.73±0.22bc 408.6±21.8b 1090.1±58.1a
      M2 1.52±0.21c 359.6±26.2c 799.6±58.3b
      M3 1.90±0.18ab 433.1±21.8b 825.3±41.6b
      M4 1.50±0.15c 354.7±17.6c 591.5±29.3d
      M5 2.05±0.26a 485.1±21.8a 719.1±32.2c
      项目 膨大系数 单株鲜质量/g 产量/(kg·667 m−2
      密度 * *** ***
      胶园类型 *** *** ***
      密度×胶园类型 ** *** ***
        注: 同一列不同字母表示5 %差异显著性水平.采用两因素方差分析。* P < 0. 05,* * P < 0. 01,* * * P < 0. 001, ns表示无显著差异。

      Table 2.  Effect of intercropping density on yield of the corms of Amorphophallus bulbifer under different planting systems of rubber plantations


    • 表3表明,密度、胶园类型、密度与胶园类型的交互作用对珠芽魔芋地下球茎可溶性糖及淀粉含量的影响显著,而对含水量的影响不显著;胶园类型对葡甘聚糖含量的影响显著,而密度及密度与胶园类型的交互作用对葡甘聚糖含量的影响不显著。与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中珠芽魔芋地下球茎的可溶性糖含量在M2与M3处理显著增加了,而在其他3个密度处理中差异不显著,在M2、M3处理中分别增加了53.17%、46.18%;淀粉、葡甘聚糖含量在M2至M5处理中均显著增加了,而在M1处理中差异均不显著,在M2、M3、M4、M5处理中淀粉含量分别增加了25.72%、30.16%、17.97%、14.07%;葡甘聚糖含量分别增加了18.67%、8.61%、17.44%、12.55%。这说明宽窄行间作能增加淀粉和葡甘聚糖含量(处理1除外)、增加M2与M3处理中可溶性糖含量。

      常规胶园 M1 85.2±0.8a 3.34±0.38c 34.96±1.46ef 17.04±0.26cd
      M2 84.5±2.2a 2.84±0.15de 32.74±2.10f 16.18±1.18d
      M3 86.2±2.8a 2.62±0.37e 37.90±4.01cde 17.08±0.87cd
      M4 85.8±2.1a 2.80±0.27de 36.90±3.18def 15.94±0.44d
      M5 86.1±2.0a 2.98±0.11cde 34.98±1.67ef 16.81±0.79cd
      宽窄行胶园 M1 85.7±1.4a 3.18±0.35cd 33.26±2.32f 17.70±0.27bc
      M2 84.6±1.4a 4.35±0.19a 41.16±1.94bc 19.20±0.95a
      M3 86.7±0.6a 3.83±0.23b 49.33±1.45a 18.55±1.26ab
      M4 86.6±0.2a 3.29±0.20cd 43.53±1.26b 18.72±0.44ab
      M5 86.6±0.8a 2.90±0.25cde 39.90±1.33bcd 18.92±0.63ab
      项目 含水量/% 可溶性糖含量(占干物质)/% 淀粉含量(占干物质)/% 葡甘聚糖含量(占干物质)/%
      密度 ns ** *** ns
      胶园类型 ns *** *** ***
      密度×胶园类型 ns *** ** ns
        注: 同一列不同字母表示5 %差异显著性水平.采用两因素方差分析。* P < 0. 05,* * P < 0. 01,* * * P < 0. 001, ns表示无显著差异。

      Table 3.  Effect of intercropping density on quality of the corms of Amorphophallus bulbifer under different planting systems of rubber plantations


    • 表4表明,密度、胶园类型、密度与胶园类型的交互作用对珠芽魔芋地下球茎的氮磷钾含量及吸收量的影响显著。与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中珠芽魔芋地下球茎的氮含量、磷含量(除M1处理外)、M3与M5处理中的钾含量显著降低了,氮含量在M1、M2、M3、M4、M5处理中分别降低了16.86%、22.28%、29.61%、45.24%、44.26%;磷含量在M2、M3、M4、M5处理中分别降低了23.08%、37.84%、18.18%、48.57%;钾含量在M3与M5处理中分别降低了15.41%、20.74%,而磷含量在M1处理中显著增加,增加了17.39%。宽窄行胶园M1、M2、M3处理中氮、磷吸收量及所有处理中的钾吸收量均显著增加。这些结果说明宽窄行胶园中的珠芽魔芋氮磷钾养分含量低于常规胶园,且有密度越小,养分浓度降低越多的趋势。与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中珠芽魔芋地下球茎的氮吸收量在M1、M2、M3处理中分别增加了75.56%、62.32%、50.00%,而M4处理中的氮吸收量却降低了17.65%;M1、M2、M3处理中磷吸收量分别增加了150.00%、66.67%、35.71%;M1、M2、M3、M4、M5处理中钾吸收量分别增加了149.15%、81.37%、78.99%、42.59%、34.75%。这些结果说明宽窄行胶园中的珠芽魔芋氮磷钾养分吸收量高于常规胶园的,且有密度越大,养分吸收量增加越多的趋势。

      胶园类型密度含量(占干物质)/% 吸收量/g
      常规胶园 M1 1.72±0.07c 0.23±0.02cd 2.24±0.17d 0.45±0.01c 0.06±0.01e 0.59±0.05e
      M2 1.93±0.12b 0.26±0.01bc 2.84±0.29bc 0.69±0.08b 0.09±0.01d 1.02±0.11d
      M3 2.06±0.19b 0.37±0.02a 3.05±0.14b 0.80±0.08b 0.14±0.01b 1.19±0.07d
      M4 1.68±0.09c 0.22±0.02de 2.67±0.17bcd 0.68±0.01b 0.09±0.01d 1.08±0.14d
      M5 2.35±0.12a 0.35±0.03a 3.52±0.39a 0.78±0.06b 0.12±0.02c 1.18±0.21d
      宽窄行胶园 M1 1.43±0.06de 0.27±0.01b 2.63±0.16bcd 0.79±0.03b 0.15±0.02b 1.47±0.21c
      M2 1.50±0.03d 0.20±0.01ef 2.47±0.33cd 1.12±0.01a 0.15±0.01b 1.85±0.27b
      M3 1.45±0.07de 0.23±0.01cd 2.58±0.24cd 1.20±0.11a 0.19±0.00a 2.13±0.18a
      M4 0.92±0.05f 0.18±0.01f 2.56±0.09cd 0.56±0.06c 0.11±0.01cd 1.54±0.08c
      M5 1.31±0.06e 0.18±0.01f 2.79±0.26bc 0.75±0.10b 0.11±0.02cd 1.59±0.08bc
      密度 *** *** ** *** *** ***
      胶园类型 *** *** ** *** *** ***
      密度×胶园类型 *** *** ** *** *** *
        注: 同一列不同字母表示5 %差异显著性水平.采用两因素方差分析。* P < 0. 05,* * P < 0. 01,* * * P < 0. 001, ns表示无显著差异。

      Table 4.  Effect of intercropping density on nutrient content and uptake of the corms of Amorphophallus bulbifer under different systems of rubber plantations


    • 与常规胶园相比,宽窄行胶园中间作的珠芽魔芋矮、粗、叶面球茎数量多,繁殖系数增加、抗倒伏能力强,这些表现在低密度间作区更为明显。这可能主要由于常规胶园与宽窄行胶园的光照强度不同引起的。17龄(2019年)的宽窄行间作模式胶园大行间露地仍达胶园总面积33.3%,可间作面积达胶园总面积6.7%,而常规胶园在开割时已没有露地 [9],可见宽窄行胶园的光照条件远好于常规胶园的。与光照强度小的成龄胶园相比,光照强度大的幼龄胶园中的珠芽魔芋矮、粗、叶面球茎数量少,但其产量增加[13],说明光照强度是影响珠芽魔芋矮、粗的决定性因子,而珠芽魔芋叶面球茎数量可能除了受光照强度影响外,还受制于其他的因子。海南省生长的珠芽魔芋,一个植株只有一个叶柄,这个叶柄其实就是珠芽魔芋的茎秆,靠一个叶柄支撑庞大的植株,外力很容易将其推倒[14]。因此,宽窄行中矮、粗的珠芽魔芋较常规胶园的抗风能力更强。有相似研究表明茎秆越短粗,越能抵抗外力,抗倒伏能力就越强[15]

    • 宽窄行比常规胶园更适合珠芽魔芋间作,两者适宜间作密度分别为40020、33345株·hm−2。说明在光照强度大的胶园中间作的珠芽魔芋株行距相对要小。原因是光照强度大的胶园珠芽魔芋生长的相对矮、粗,植株相对紧凑,单株占地相对小,所以株行距能相对减少。段龙飞等[16]研究也表明,随着玉米套种株行距减少,魔芋遮阴程度增加,魔芋叶盘直径呈现增加的趋势,单株占地面积增加,单株球茎膨大系数减小,小区实际产量呈现先增加后降低的趋势[16]

    • 宽窄行间作能增加淀粉和葡甘聚糖含量(处理1除外)及适中密度的可溶性糖含量。说明光照强度增加能增加珠芽魔芋淀粉和葡甘聚糖含量。相似研究表明光照有利于海芋淀粉的合成,与自然光照下的海芋相比,胶园林荫下海芋的块茎淀粉含量12. 96%[17]。光照强度降低后,小麦籽粒中直链淀粉、支链淀粉和总淀粉含量均显著降低[18]

    • 宽窄行胶园中的珠芽魔芋氮磷钾养分含量低于常规胶园的,且有密度越小,养分浓度降低越多的趋势。宽窄行胶园中的珠芽魔芋氮磷钾养分吸收量高于常规胶园的,且有密度越大,养分吸收量增加越多的趋势。这与宽窄行胶园中珠芽魔芋地下球茎体质量增加有关,体质量增加稀释了珠芽魔芋吸收的养分,从而降低了养分含量;同时质量增加的幅度大于养分稀释的程度,导致宽窄行胶园中的珠芽魔芋氮磷钾养分吸收量高于常规胶园。

Reference (18)



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