外体(exosomes)是由细胞产生的直径在30~100 nm的小囊泡状结构[1]。外体表面和内部可以携带多种物质,在细胞与细胞间以及各种蛋白质、脂类和核酸的细胞间扮演运输工的角色[2]。目前,普遍用于标记外体结构的蛋白标记物包括CD63、CD81 和 TSG101等[2-3]。几乎所有的细胞均可分泌外体并且广泛存在于各类体液中[4],随体循环在体内流动作用于邻近的或者远距离的受体细胞。研究发现包括活化的B淋巴细胞、树突状细胞以及巨噬细胞在内的抗原呈递细胞所分泌的外体都具有活化和调节免疫应答的功能[5]。这些抗原呈递细胞分泌的外体携带 MHC-I、MHC-II 和CD86 等诱导性共刺激分子(ICOS),并具有激活T细胞增殖的能力[6]。据此,有望利用抗原呈递细胞分泌的外体作为多肽抗原的天然载体,制备成外体疫苗,激活机体产生针对该多肽的特异性免疫反应。
疫苗接种是预防与控制家禽疫病的重要手段。禽冠状病毒—鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious bronchins virus, IBV) ,是全球鸡呼吸道疾病的主要病原体之一,给养鸡业带来严重的经济损失[7-9]。由于IBV血清型复杂多样、抗体交叉保护力低,所以弱毒疫苗的使用无法有效控制感染并加剧病毒变异[10-11]。在防控此类传染性疾病时,动物群体免疫亚单位疫苗等非复制性、无致病力的疫苗能够在一定程度上提高疫苗接种的安全性[12],但是亚单位疫苗免疫原性差,难以激活细胞免疫,因此不适用于初次免疫,其免疫效果还受免疫佐剂、免疫次数的明显影响[13]。如果利用抗原呈递细胞源外体激活细胞免疫的优势,在鸡APC细胞的外体中装载IBV病毒亚单位抗原,则可能有效提高多肽抗原的免疫原性。有研究报道了LPS刺激鸡巨噬细胞系HD11细胞分泌的外体可作为佐剂增强细胞免疫反应[14]。此外,由于树突状细胞难以在体外稳定传代,而鸡巨噬细胞已有可稳定传代的细胞系,并且B淋巴细胞的体外活化复杂于巨噬细胞。利用巨噬细胞的永生化细胞系开展外体疫苗的研发可能具有更好的应用性。
Construction of exosomes of recombinant HD 11 cells harboring the IBV S1 protein
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.06.004
- Received Date: 2022-02-06
- Accepted Date: 2022-04-21
- Rev Recd Date: 2022-03-15
- Available Online: 2022-09-06
- Publish Date: 2022-11-28
Key words:
- exosome /
- HD11 cell /
- IBV /
- S1 protein
Abstract: The exosomes of antigen presenting cells (Antigen presenting cell, APC) participate in the immune response process, and can activate the adaptive immune response after carrying the antigen. As a kind of antigen-presenting cells, the related functions of poultry macrophage-derived exosomes are still unknown. The S1 protein of chicken infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was used as the model antigen, the S1 protein was stably expressed in HD11 cells through the lentiviral expression system, and then the exosomes were separated and purified from the cell culture supernatant by ultracentrifugation. The protein immunoblot analysis, electron microscopy and particle size analysis detection showed that stable S1 protein expression can be detected in the exosomes secreted by the recombinant HD11 cells. Recombinant exosomes harboring IBV S1 protein were successfully constructed, which can provide a reference for the functional study of avian macrophage-derived exosomes in immune response and the development of poultry exosome vector vaccines.
Citation: | XIE Yan, XING Niwen, XIAO Qian, QIN Yao. Construction of exosomes of recombinant HD 11 cells harboring the IBV S1 protein[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022, 13(6): 562-568. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.06.004 |