西南夏季风影响期间,南海通常存在一条东西向气压较低的地带,被称为南海季风槽。由于季风槽是一个低压槽,所以低层大气向这个地带辐合, 进而产生降水, 因此也是降雨区所在之处[1]。潘静等[2]通过研究指出,亚洲夏季风槽低层辐合、高层辐散的配置特征很容易使低层的对流和上升运动得以建立和加强,因此季风槽成为除了热带气旋外汛期影响海南岛及南海的主要降水系统,影响频繁,往往带来大范围的降水天气,其中不乏暴雨,甚至大暴雨以上量级的降水。我国对南海季风槽的研究多偏向于气候和结构特征、维持机制、内部能量转换,以及季风槽对台风的发生、发展的作用等方面,如王黎娟等[3]指出南海季风槽在辐合和对流方面均比副热带夏季风槽更强;李崇银等[4]研究表明南海季风槽的强弱异常对中国夏季降水有重要影响;高建芸[5]、张翔[6]、黄荣辉等[7]研究了南海-西北太平洋季风槽年代际变化对热带气旋生成大尺度环境因子变化的影响及其机理。针对南海季风槽降水的研究也多局限于华南的两广一带地区,黄忠等[8]对广东后汛期季风槽暴雨天气形势特征进行分析;卢山等[9]对南海季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆华南而导致热带气旋暴雨增幅进行研究;纪忠萍等[10]研究得出6—8月广东3次季风槽暴雨从间歇-开始-旺盛-减弱-结束期的大气环流场演变特征;杨辉[1]、蒙伟光等[11]从单次暴雨入手,对暴雨发生期间季风槽气旋性涡度向上发展的机理及其对季风槽维持发展和中尺度对流系统活动的影响进行分析;陈见等[12]主要研究了两广一带的季风槽,发现相似的环流系统配置下,由于环流系统位置、强度及干湿特征的差异可导致降水出现明显差异。目前,针对季风槽在海南岛乃至整个南海产生的降水研究尚少。
一般来讲,随着南海季风爆发,南海地区季风槽的建立时间平均是5月第4候,维持到10 月份才出现明显的南撤,期间季风槽随着季风的进退而在南海及华南区域发生变化[2]。海南省约200万km2为海域面积,广阔的海洋不仅仅是南海夏季风爆发的源地,也是季风槽长时间活动的区域,据笔者统计,季风槽在南海年均活动58.4 d,因此,对季风槽降水的研究尤为重要。日常业务中,由于季风槽位置不同,给海南岛带来的降水有很大的差异,尤其是槽区分别位于海南岛上空附近和位于海南岛以南时,往往暴雨以上量级的降水落区差异较大。根据季风槽位置进行分类研究,也许可增进对南海季风槽天气气候特征的了解,尤其可提高对其强降水形成机制的认识,因此,本研究采用统计分析方法,将影响海南的南海季风槽按活动范围进行分类统计,并对强降水过程进行多样本合成分析其环流特征和降水机理,为海南季风槽暴雨预报提供参考。
2001—2020年共20 a中,5—9月季风槽活动过程次数、天数,总过程次数、天数如表1,出现季风槽过程次数为205 次,年均出现10.3 次,天数为1 168 d,年均58.4 d,一次季风槽活动平均5.7 d。8月是过程次数和天数最多的月份,分别平均为2.7次和15.8 d,其次为9 月,7月居中,5月份最少。统计表明, 2011年季风槽活动过程达13次之多,为活动次数最多年份(图1-a),在活动天数方面,2014年以94 d为最多 (图1-b)。另外,从图1-b可见,季风槽活动的天数总体为递增趋势。
各月季风槽次数及天数 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 5—9月合计 次 天/d 次 天/d 次 天/d 次 天/d 次 天/d 总次数 总天数/d 合计 25 111 37 190 42 265 54 316 47 286 205 1168 年平均 1.3 5.6 1.9 9.5 2.1 13.3 2.7 15.8 2.4 14.3 10.3 58.4 在20 a季风槽活动的1 168 d中,强降水日为83 d,表明以季风槽活动为背景的形势下,海南岛产生强降水的占比为7.1%。分类来看,Ⅰ类季风槽和Ⅱ类季风槽的活动天数分别为656 d和512 d,其中,Ⅰ类季风槽产生强降水的天数为49 d,占强降水总天数的59%,占季风槽活动天数的4.2%,占Ⅰ类季风槽活动天数的7.5%;Ⅱ类季风槽产生强降水的天数34 d,占强降水总天数的41%,占季风槽活动天数的2.9%,占Ⅱ类季风槽活动天数的6.6%。相对来说,当Ⅰ类季风槽活动时,发生强降水的占比比Ⅱ类大。从月分布可知,季风槽强降水天数逐月递增,5月仅8 d,而8月和9月递增到21 d和29 d,但两类季风槽具体情况各不相同。Ⅰ类季风槽活动天数8月最多,为197 d,但从产生强降水的占比来看,9月11.0%最高,7月 5.1%最低,也就是说,Ⅰ类季风槽在8月最为活跃,9月最易产生强降水(图2-a);Ⅱ类季风槽最活跃和强降水占比最高的月份均为9月,9月的活动总天数为168 d,其中16天为强降水日,占比9.5%,而6月强降水日占比最少仅为3.1%。另外,5−8月,Ⅰ类季风槽均比Ⅱ类季风槽活跃,而9月Ⅱ类季风槽明显活跃于Ⅰ类。
两类降水日平均雨量分布与频次分布相似,Ⅰ类最大值出现在东北部的文昌,为92.8 mm,Ⅱ类东南部的陵水日平均雨量最大,达到117.1 mm。在逐日的单站降水中,两类降水达到大暴雨(大于等于100 mm,小于250 mm)及以上量级的站次均约占22%,Ⅰ类以文昌6次为最多,Ⅱ类的陵水与万宁并列6次为最多,但达特大暴雨(大于等于250 mm)量级的仅出现在Ⅱ类的陵水,2002−09−19降水量达351.7 mm,由此可见Ⅱ类东南部更容易出现极端降水。
Analysis of the characteristics of two different types of monsoon trough and mechanisms of heavy rainfall over Hainan Island
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.04.005
- Received Date: 2021-09-15
- Accepted Date: 2022-05-09
- Rev Recd Date: 2022-05-06
- Available Online: 2022-06-10
- Publish Date: 2022-07-26
Key words:
- monsoon trough /
- heavy rainfall /
- circulation pattern /
- low-level jet stream
Abstract: The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics for South China Sea monsoon trough activities and heavy rainfall between May to September from 2001 to 2020 Hainan Island were statistically analyzed by using NCEP reanalysis and land-based observations in Hainan Island. Monsoon trough that generates heavy rainfall events were grouped into two types according to its position. The composite analysis of high- and low-level circulations and their element fields were performed. The results show that the monsoon trough affecting Hainan occurred about 10.3 times per year on average, 58.4 days per year, and 5.7 days per event on average. The heavy rainfall events accounted for 7.1%, mainly occurring in August and September. The first type of monsoon trough was mostly active in August, and was the easiest to bring heavy rainfall in September. The second type of monsoon trough was mostly active in September and brought heavy rainfall most frequently in September as well. The high frequency heavy rainfall zones generated from the first and second types of monsoon trough were different, and the second type of monsoon trough tended to bring heavy rainfall more easily. The divergence of the high-level South Asia high, and strong monsoon and monsoon trough on moderately low level were a prerequisite for the occurrence of heavy rainfall, but establishment of monsoon trough at different locations led to different system configurations of rainfall. The occurrence of heavy rainfall in the first type of monsoon trough was highly related to the structure and shear line location of monsoon trough. The monsoon transferred the water vapor and energy to the trough zone, and the convergence on the low level and the divergence on the high level of monsoon trough generated and enhanced the convection and ascending motion on low level, which led to heavy rainfall. The high frequency heavy rainfall area in the first type of monsoon trough corresponded to the strongest convergence area on the south of the trough and the right side of cyclone circulation. The occurrence of heavy rainfall in the second type of monsoon trough was related to the low-level jetstream on the north side of monsoon trough and the water vapor and energy on low level were transferred by low-level jet to Hainan Island and resulted in the intense convergence upward motion over the island, which led to the occurrence of heavy rainfall. The intensity distribution of rainfall was also highly related with the special bell-shaped terrain of Hainan Island. The high frequency heavy rainfall areas in the two types of monsoon trough were both well corresponding to the strong terrain effect area, but were obviously different due to the different low wind background on low level.
Citation: | CHEN Hong, GUO Dongyan, WU Yu, LI Xun. Analysis of the characteristics of two different types of monsoon trough and mechanisms of heavy rainfall over Hainan Island[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022, 13(4): 348-357. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.04.005 |