柱花草(Stylosanthes Sw.)又称巴西苜蓿、热带苜蓿等,柱花草是我国热带、亚热带地区栽培的主要豆科牧草,具有干物质产量高、粗蛋白含量高等特点,被广泛应用到反刍动物饲料中[1-3]。中国南方如广东、广西等省(区),将柱花草与果树间种,柱花草除用作饲草外,还可起到覆盖、保持水土和绿肥作用[4]。中国热带农业科学院自20世纪60年代起从国际热带农业研究中心(Centro International Agriculture Tropicals, CIAT)等地引进柱花草种质,先后培育了‘热研2号’(Stylosanthes guianensis ‘Reyan No.2’)、‘热研5号’(Stylosanthes guianensis ‘Reyan No.5’)等优良柱花草品种13个[5]。近年来,柱花草的根部和叶部病害日益严重,严重影响了柱花草的产量和品质[6-8],因此,开展柱花草的增产促生作用研究具有一定的实际意义。
微生物通过调节生物地球化学循环、有机质重组和矿化的多种酶活性改善土壤条件[9]从而在维持土壤的健康和促进健康土壤的形成中发挥重要作用。近年来,微生物对植物的促生作用逐渐引起科研人员的关注,正在成为应用微生物研究领域的热点。植物根际促生菌(Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria,简称PGPR)是指能够促进植物生长、增加作物产量、防治病虫害的有益细菌。根际促生菌对植物生长促进的机制可分为直接和间接2种方式。直接的促生作用是指PGPR能产生一些生长促进物质,如生长激素和铁载体等,供植物利用,促进植物对营养物质的吸收;间接的促生作用是指PGPR通过对病原微生物的生物防治,减轻或抑制有害微生物,从而间接促进植物生长[10-11]。有研究表明,放线菌除具有很好的生防作用外,也能通过产生长素,溶解磷酸盐,产生铁载体等方式促进植物生长[12-13]。本实验室在前期实验中分离得到4株对土传病害具有良好防效的内生放线菌NM2、NM3、NM17和NM24。笔者以柱花草为供试植物,采用皿内测定法和盆栽实验法,研究本实验室在前期实验中分离得到的4株放线菌对柱花草形态指标和生理生化指标的影响,旨在探究4株放线菌对柱花草的促生长作用及柱花草的增产机制。
Determination of the Effect of Four Strains of Actinomycetes on the Growth of Stylosanthes
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2021.03.006
- Received Date: 2020-11-13
- Rev Recd Date: 2021-05-18
- Available Online: 2021-06-29
- Publish Date: 2021-10-11
Key words:
- plant endophytic actinomycetes /
- growth-promoting effect /
- Stylosanthes /
- biological application
Abstract: Stylosanthes were cultured on culture dishes, pot cultured and then inoculated with fermentation broths of 4 strains of Streptomyces spp, one of the genus of Actinomycetes., to observe tTheir growth were observed h, and their morphological indexes (fresh weight, plant height, stem length and root length) and physiological and biochemical indexes (chlorophyll content, soluble protein content, soluble sugar content and root activity) were determined. The results showed that the fermentation broths of the four strains of Streptomyces spp. increased the fresh weight, stem length and plant height as well as the contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein of the seedlings of Stylosanthes. In general, the four strains of Streptomyces spp had an obvious effects on promoting of the growth of Stylosanthes, and improved the quality of Stylosanthes to various degrees. These results, which indicates that Actinomycetes can be used to increase the yield of Stylosanthes.
Citation: | YANG Deyou, YANG Lin, YAN Xiangnan, TANG Jieyun, LUO Yanping, WANG Lanying. Determination of the Effect of Four Strains of Actinomycetes on the Growth of Stylosanthes[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2021, 12(3): 312-318. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2021.03.006 |