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Volume 11 Issue 3
Sep.  2020
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HUANG Wenfeng, HU Yanping, ZHU Baibi. Pathogen Identification of Muskmelon Wilt in Hainan and Selection of Muskmelon Wilt-resistant Rootstocks[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2020, 11(3): 310-313. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.008
Citation: HUANG Wenfeng, HU Yanping, ZHU Baibi. Pathogen Identification of Muskmelon Wilt in Hainan and Selection of Muskmelon Wilt-resistant Rootstocks[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2020, 11(3): 310-313. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.008

Pathogen Identification of Muskmelon Wilt in Hainan and Selection of Muskmelon Wilt-resistant Rootstocks

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.008
  • Received Date: 2019-11-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-12-28
  • Available Online: 2020-02-14
  • Publish Date: 2020-09-24
  • Soilborne diseases occur seriously in the field of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L) in winter and spring in Hainan in recent years, which severely affects the yield of muskmelon. The pathogens were isolated from the stem tissue of the muskmelon seedlings infected with the soilborne diseases, and identified as Fusarium oxysporum f.sp melonis by morphology and rDNA ITS sequence. Nine rootstock varieties of muskmelon were inoculated with the spores solution of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis with Meinong muskmelon variety as the control to determine their resistance to muskmelon wilt caused by F. oxysporum f.sp melonis to select resistant rootstocks. The results showed that the control Meinong muskmelon variety had an incidence of muskmelon Fusarium wilt of 83.33%, while the rootstock varieties Guangzhen 1, Lianda, Xiali, and Yongzhan had no incidence of Fusarium wilt, and can hence be used as candidates for disease-resistant root stocks for muskmelon.
  • [1] 王虹周, 晓静, 李金玲, 等. 甜瓜枯萎病及其综合防治[J]. 农业科技通讯, 2019(5): 313 − 315. doi:  10.3969/j.issn.1000-6400.2019.05.122
    [2] 朱利林, 景晓辉, 吴伦英, 等. 海南哈密瓜枯萎病病原菌的鉴定[J]. 热带作物学报, 2011, 32(3): 504 − 507.
    [3] 周小林. 甜瓜枯萎病致病专化型测定及其所致病害防治技术研究[D]. 南京: 南京农业大学, 2005.
    [4] 攸学松, 朱莉, 曾剑波, 等. 西甜瓜砧木育种研究进展[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2019, 47(20): 52 − 56.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Pathogen Identification of Muskmelon Wilt in Hainan and Selection of Muskmelon Wilt-resistant Rootstocks

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.008

Abstract: Soilborne diseases occur seriously in the field of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L) in winter and spring in Hainan in recent years, which severely affects the yield of muskmelon. The pathogens were isolated from the stem tissue of the muskmelon seedlings infected with the soilborne diseases, and identified as Fusarium oxysporum f.sp melonis by morphology and rDNA ITS sequence. Nine rootstock varieties of muskmelon were inoculated with the spores solution of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis with Meinong muskmelon variety as the control to determine their resistance to muskmelon wilt caused by F. oxysporum f.sp melonis to select resistant rootstocks. The results showed that the control Meinong muskmelon variety had an incidence of muskmelon Fusarium wilt of 83.33%, while the rootstock varieties Guangzhen 1, Lianda, Xiali, and Yongzhan had no incidence of Fusarium wilt, and can hence be used as candidates for disease-resistant root stocks for muskmelon.

HUANG Wenfeng, HU Yanping, ZHU Baibi. Pathogen Identification of Muskmelon Wilt in Hainan and Selection of Muskmelon Wilt-resistant Rootstocks[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2020, 11(3): 310-313. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.008
Citation: HUANG Wenfeng, HU Yanping, ZHU Baibi. Pathogen Identification of Muskmelon Wilt in Hainan and Selection of Muskmelon Wilt-resistant Rootstocks[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2020, 11(3): 310-313. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.008
  • 海南省冬春季种植的薄皮甜瓜上市早、糖度高、品质优,年均播种面积3 000~4 000 hm2,因经济效益好、栽培周期短,已成为当地农民增收的主要产业之一。近年来随着复种指数的提高,连作障碍严重,土传病害频发,减产问题十分突出。为了明确该病的病原种类及其分类地位,笔者在病菌分离的基础上,从致病性、形态学和分子生物学等方面进行了鉴定分析,并接种不同砧木品种进行抗性试验,以期筛选出抗性好的砧木品种,促进薄皮甜瓜产业的健康发展。

  • 本实验病株采自海南省海口市永兴镇薄皮甜瓜产区,抗病砧木品种见表1

    代号 Code品种 Variety来源 Source
    CK 美浓 农友种苗(中国)有限公司
    1 银光 北京育正泰种子有限公司
    2 厦利 厦门好利得种苗有限公司
    3 广砧1号 广西绿海种业公司
    4 大白 海南富友种苗有限公司
    5 连大 海南琼研瓜菜良种有限公司
    6 砧8 农友种苗(中国)有限公司
    7 大正 江苏正大种子有限公司
    8 壮士 农友种苗(中国)有限公司
    9 甬砧 宁波市农科院蔬菜研究所

    Table 1.  Disease-resistant varieties of thin-skinned muskmelon and their sources

  • 田间采集的病枝用75%酒精进行表面消毒30 s,灭菌水冲洗干净,超净台晾干后剪取病健交界组织块0.1~0.5 cm2,放置在PDA平板上,27 ℃培养3~5 d,挑取新长的菌丝到空白PDA平板上进行纯化培养。

  • 观察在PDA上纯化培养的病原菌菌落形态,显微镜观察菌丝形态。

  • 提取PDA平板上的病原真菌DNA,采用真菌通用引物ITS1,ITS4进行PCR扩增。PCR扩增体系25 μL,包括DNA模板1 μL,引物各1 μL,MIX 12.5 μL,ddH2O 9.5 μL。PCR扩增条件:95 ℃预变性5 min,94 ℃变性45 s,55 ℃退火45 s,72 ℃延伸45 s,共30个循环;最后72 ℃延伸10 min,4 ℃保存。取5 μL PCR产物1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,送样至广州华大科技有限公司进行测序,在NCBI进行BLAST比较。

  • 将分离的真菌在PDA培养基上大量扩繁,放入生化培养箱27 ℃黑暗培养,待菌丝长满培养皿后,将其移出置室内自然光照刺激其产孢。1周后,用无菌水洗出孢子,镜检,用血细胞计数板计算孢子含量,按每盆1×107个·mL−1的孢子量加入无菌土壤。播种薄皮甜瓜‘美浓’种子,观察出苗及发病情况。

  • 枯萎病病菌接种以‘美浓’自根苗为对照(CK),筛选出对枯萎病抗性较强的砧木品种,具体方法如下:(1)接种体准备:将枯萎病病原菌接种于装有米粒饭的三角瓶中。25 ℃培养10~15 d备用;(2)接种方法:用2 L蒸馏水洗培养皿上的孢子,血球计数板镜检记数,达到5×106个·mL−1,将不同砧木品种幼苗(子叶期,即一叶一心时)拔起植株并用清水清洗根部,轻微伤根部后在菌悬液蘸根15 min,然后定植营养钵(12 cm×15 cm)中,正常管理,每个处理定植24株;(3)发病株鉴定:定植后约50 d即初果期,根据薄皮甜瓜枯萎病田间典型表现症状(发病初期:病株叶片下而上逐渐萎蔫、似缺水状,中午更明显,早晚尚能恢复,数日后整株叶片严重萎蔫下垂、不能再恢复正常,整株死亡),将病茎纵割,维管束呈黄褐色鉴定为发病株。

  • 薄皮甜瓜枯萎病是由真菌引致的植物病害,症状包括严重的点斑、凋萎或叶、花、果、茎或整株植物的死亡。生长迅速的甜瓜的幼嫩组织常被侵袭,导致植株不能正常结实(图1)。病原菌为土传病害,从幼嫩的根部侵入植株,向上延伸发展。病害后期植株茎杆内部略呈现褐色(图2)。

    Figure 1.  Symptom of fusarium wilt on thin-skinned muskmelon

    Figure 2.  Indoor isolation of the pathogens of fusarium wilt

  • 甜瓜枯萎病病原菌在PDA培养基上生长缓慢,外部菌丝为灰白色,中间菌丝在培养基里的呈现淡粉色(图3)。提取病原菌丝DNA进行ITS序列扩增(图4),测序结果546 bp碱基与 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.(GenBank: GU247453.1)相似度达到99%。

    Figure 3.  Colonies of the pathogens on PDA

    Figure 4.  Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR product

  • 将病原菌在PDA 培养基上进行扩大培养,待菌丝长满培养皿后转入室内光照刺激产孢,用灭菌水洗下孢子镜检后接入无菌土,播种薄皮甜瓜‘美浓’种子,待发芽后持续观察发病情况。取发病症状为子叶萎蔫、真叶黄化、呈猝倒状的植株(图5),按照1.4的方法重新分离该病原菌(图6),进行柯赫氏法则验证。

    Figure 5.  Muskmelon seedlings inoculated with the pathogens indoor

    Figure 6.  Pathogen colonies on the PDA plate

  • 2018−05−05定植,2018−06−25试验植株初果期,检测发病情况,结果见表2。对照‘美浓’的发病率为83.33%;新土佐类型的砧木品种中‘甬砧’、‘广砧1号’、‘砧8’的发病率都为0,‘银光’的发病率为12.5%;中国南瓜类型中‘连大’、‘夏利’的发病率为0,‘壮士’的发病率为25.0%。

    砧木类型 Rootstock品种 Varieties定植株 Plants planted发病株 Plants infected发病率% Infection rate
    CK(美浓) 24 20 83.33
    新土佐 银光 24 3 12.50
    甬砧 24 0 0
    广砧1号 24 0 0
    大白 24 2 8.33
    砧8 24 0 0
    中国南瓜 连大 24 0 0
    大正 24 2 8.33
    壮士 24 6 25.00
    厦利 24 0 0
      Note: Experiment of potted muskmeon plants inoculated with fusarium wilt pathogen and planted on 25 June 2018.

    Table 2.  Field infection of thin-skinned muskmelon rootstocks with fusarium wilt pathogen

  • 甜瓜枯萎病是典型的土传真菌病害,在植株整个生育期均可发生,但以开花坐果期发病最重。枯萎病菌受到瓜类蔬菜根系分泌物的刺激,在适宜的温、湿度下萌发出牙管,从根部、根尖或伤口侵入,刺穿表皮、皮质组织,进入维管束,在导管内生长发育。病菌在导管内分泌果胶酶、纤维素酶分解破坏细胞,使有毒物质堵塞导管,阻碍水分的运输,当植物蒸发量大时,供水不足而导致萎蔫,严重的出现死秧[1]。朱利林等[2]通过鉴定发现海南省哈密瓜枯萎病是由尖孢镰刀菌甜瓜专化型引起。本研究从海南薄皮甜瓜主产区的田间薄皮甜瓜病株上分离到病原菌,经形态学及rDNA序列测定鉴定为尖孢镰刀菌(F. oxysporum)。将该病原菌孢子液加入土壤,播种薄皮甜瓜种子,幼苗生长约3周后发病,再次从茎部分离病原菌和分子检测,证明与接种病菌一致。

    枯萎病具有明显的寄主专化型,利用这一特性进行嫁接栽培,可有效防止瓜类枯萎病的发生。最常用的砧木是南瓜,嫁接后可显著提高甜瓜抗枯萎病的能力,但不同品种的南瓜砧木抗病能力差异明显[3]。利用抗病南瓜种间杂交种作砧木,能更显著增强西甜瓜的生长势、抗逆性,有效防止甜瓜土传病害的发生,降低连作障碍的不良影响,最终达到抗病、优质、高产的目的。如大和农园株式会社培育出的新土佐系列,韩国神砧、甜香砧系列,台湾农友种苗的‘壮士’,宁波市农业科学研究院的甬砧系列砧木等[4]。本研究将9种不同的甜瓜砧木接种薄皮甜瓜枯萎病原菌、以‘美浓’为对照,后定植于营养钵中,在初果期(约50 d)观察田间发病情况,筛选出5种发病率为0的抗病砧木品种:‘广砧1号’、‘连大’、‘厦利’、‘甬砧’、‘砧8’,为薄皮甜瓜的嫁接砧木品种筛选提供抗病性依据。

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