农膜通常为0.002~0.200 mm的薄膜塑料,因具有良好的增温保墒、促进种子发芽和控制杂草生长等作用被广泛使用。近年,我国每年农膜使用量约260万t,每年残留在耕地土壤中的农膜约30~50万t[1]。残留农膜在人为或自然因素驱动下进入生态系统,通常作物收割后破残农膜留在耕作层[2],致使土壤通透性受到影响、耕地质量下降[3]、农事操作受阻、作物水分利用效率降低[4-5]、作物减产,品质降低[3]。农膜颗粒具有一定的孔隙结构与比表面积,对土壤中重金属具有一定的富集能力[6-7],且不同粒径农膜对重金属的富集能力不同。农膜颗粒富集的重金属等污染物通过食物链等方式进入到其他环境介质,可加速污染物的迁移与转化[8]。残留在自然环境中的农膜颗粒在紫外线、臭氧、酸雨等作用下逐渐老化[9],致使农膜的表面结构和官能团发生改变。老化不仅影响农膜颗粒对重金属等污染物的吸附行为和机制[10],还会进一步与其他污染物发生相互作用,引发复合污染,造成潜在的环境风险[11-12]。因此,探究农膜及其老化颗粒对重金属的富集行为与评价其环境风险和污染物的生物地球化学循环具有重要的意义[13]。本研究以镉(Cd)为目标污染物,选取3种粒径[4目(4.75 mm)、10目(2.0 mm)、30目(0.6 mm)]的农膜分别作为载体,在农膜浓度、初始pH、吸附时间、Cd2+初始浓度及农膜老化等因素上分析农膜颗粒对Cd2+吸附的影响,结合扫描电镜(SEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)及吸附模型拟合等解析农膜颗粒及老化方式对Cd2+的吸附特性,以期为农膜的合理利用与管控提供参考。
随着农膜颗粒浓度由0.5 g·L−1增至6.0 g·L−1,4目、10目、30目3种粒径农膜对Cd2+的吸附容量分别下降了79.18%,84.63%,86.11%(图1)。这表明在Cd2+浓度一定的情况下,随着农膜颗粒浓度的增加,其对Cd2+的吸附容量随之降低。30目粒径农膜对Cd2+的吸附容量最大,以农膜浓度0.5 g·L−1为例,30目粒径的吸附容量是10目和4目的1.76倍和1.91倍,说明随农膜粒径的减小吸附容量增加(图1)。
Figure 1. Effects of agricultural film concentration on the Cd2+ ad-sorption capacity of agricultural films of three different pariticle sizes
随着农膜颗粒浓度的增加,3种粒径农膜对Cd2+的吸附去除率逐渐提高,而其吸附容量逐渐降低(图1,2)。当农膜浓度为1.0 g·L−1时,4目、10目、30目粒径农膜的吸附率依次为6.44%,8.48%,12.41%;吸附容量依次为134.38 ,180.77 ,267.09 μg·g−1,此时Cd2+的吸附率与农膜的吸附容量均达到相对较高的水平,故选取最佳浓度1.0 g·L−1进行下一步的实验。
溶液初始pH对农膜颗粒对Cd2+的吸附容量与吸附率的变化趋势呈抛物线状(图3,4);在pH值为5时,农膜吸附容量最高;4目、10目、30目粒径农膜的吸附容量分别为141.04 ,179.23 ,259.45 μg·g−1(图3),当溶液pH小于5时,农膜颗粒对Cd2+的吸附容量随着溶液初始pH的升高而增大;当溶液pH大于5时,农膜颗粒对Cd2+的吸附去除率及吸附容量会减少。故控制pH值为5进行后续相关研究。
农膜颗粒对Cd2+的吸附容量在吸附时间0~10 h呈快速增长,在吸附时间10~20 h转为缓慢增长,在吸附时间20~30 h趋于平缓,吸附速率与农膜颗粒粒径成反比(图5)。由于吸附开始时农膜颗粒表面吸附位点充足,故前期吸附速率较快,随着吸附反应的进行,吸附位点被逐渐占满,吸附容量增长变缓,直至吸附平衡;30目粒径农膜因其比表面积最大,提供的吸附位点较多所致,所以吸附速率最大。
采用准一级动力学模型和准二级动力学模型对3种粒径农膜吸附Cd2+进行拟合,结果显示:3种粒径农膜准二级动力学模型的R2值(0.943~0.960)高于准一级动力学模型(0.913~0.960),即准二级动力学模型可以将3种粒径农膜对Cd2+的吸附过程进行很好的描述,拟合结果显示,4目、10目、30目粒径农膜的平衡吸附容量分别为146.15,205.19,311.12 μg·g−1(表1)。
Agricultural film
particle size准一级动力学吸附模型 Pseudo-first-order 准二级动力学吸附模型 Pseudo-second-order qe/ (μg·g−1) k1/h−1 R2 qe/ (μg·g−1) k2·102/(g·μg−1·h−1) R2 4目(4.75 mm) 129.67 0.110 0.913 146.15 0.104 0.943 10目(2 mm) 178.29 0.103 0.960 205.19 0.063 0.960 30目(0.6 mm) 267.59 0.087 0.939 311.12 0.034 0.947 Table 1. Fitting parameters of cadmium adsorption by agricultural films with three different particle sizes based on Pseudo-first-order and Pseudo-second-order kinetic models
当Cd2+的初始浓度较低时,3种粒径农膜对Cd2+的吸附容量随溶液初始浓度的增高而增加,当Cd2+溶液初始浓度大于2 mg·L−1时,随着初始浓度的增高,3种粒径农膜对Cd2+的吸附容量增加的趋势逐渐变缓(图6)。这是因为在Cd2+溶液初始浓度较低条件下,农膜颗粒为Cd2+提供了充足的吸附位点,而当Cd2+溶液初始浓度较高时,农膜为Cd2+提供的吸附位点不足以满足Cd2+的吸附需求,但由于高浓度Cd2+溶液对吸附具有较高的推动力,从而使得Cd2+的平衡吸附容量有所增长,但未能呈现出线形增长趋势。
Figure 6. Effects of agricultural films on the adsorption of Cd2+ under different initial cadmium concentrations
Agricultural film particle sizeLangmuir 模型 Langmuir model Freundlich 模型 Freundlich model qm/(μg·g−1) b/(L·μg−1) R2 1/n K/(μg·g−1) R2 4目(4.75 mm) 163.64 2.232 0.968 0.21 102.56 0.955 10目(2 mm) 213.26 1.618 0.977 0.20 127.89 0.914 30目(0.6 mm) 377.60 0.994 0.971 0.24 184.24 0.946 Table 2. Fitting parameters of cadmium adsorption by agricultural films with three particle sizes based on Langmuir and Freundlich models
Figure 7. Comparison of cadmium adsorption by agricultural films with different particle sizes before and after aging
Agricultural film
particle size老化前 Before aging 老化后 After aging 原始农膜 硝酸老化 硫酸老化 H2O2老化 q/(μg·g−1) q/(μg·g−1) q/(μg·g−1) q/(μg·g−1) 4目(4.75 mm) 134.38b 69.69c 49.04c 183.91a 10目(2 mm) 180.77b 91.93c 68.39d 212.29a 30目(0.6 mm) 267.09b 125.49c 100.26d 293.21a 注:同一列数据中标以不同字母表示在P=0.05的水平上差异显著。
Note: Values with different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level .Table 3. Significant difference analysis of agricultural films with three particle sizes in adsorption of Cd2+ before and after aging
老化前后农膜颗粒的傅立叶变换红外光谱图解析,根据FT-IR自带及萨特勒(Sadtler)谱图数据库比对查证,在基团频率区大体相同,只在过氧化氢老化农膜颗粒中观测到3225 cm−1处增加了-NH-基团的伸缩振动;指纹区不同波数范围内产生新的特征峰明显(图9);此外,过氧化氢老化与硝酸老化农膜颗粒的光谱分别在波数2955 cm−1和2949 cm−1处出现了原始农膜颗粒中没有的特征峰,查证核实该处为-OH和-CHO伸缩峰。有意思的是硫酸老化农膜颗粒指纹区波数区特征峰不明显,仅在1709 cm−1处出现了一个新特征峰,查证核实该处为-C=O伸缩峰。指纹区过氧化氢老化于758 cm−1和644 cm−1处出现两个特征峰,查证核实该处分别为苯环邻二酚基基团-OH以及卤素类伸缩振动峰,这也同时支持了过氧化氢老化农膜颗粒对Cd2+吸附较强的机理。
Adsorption of Cadmium by Agricultural Films with Different Particle Sizes and Aging Methods
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.007
- Received Date: 2020-03-14
- Rev Recd Date: 2020-06-01
- Available Online: 2020-09-24
- Publish Date: 2020-09-24
Key words:
- agricultural film /
- different particle sizes /
- aging /
- cadmium /
- adsorption /
- Langmuir model
Abstract: The wide application of agricultural film makes the problem of residual pollution of agricultural film impossible to be ignored, and the impact of agricultural film particles on the migration and transformation of pollutants in the soil environment is rarely studied. Agricultural film with three different particle sizes (4 mesh, 10 mesh, 30 mesh)were used to study the effects of agricultural film concentration, initial pH, adsorption time, initial Cd2+ concentration and aging methods on Cd2+ adsorption, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and adsorption model fitting were used to explore the Cd2+ adsorption characteristics of three different particle sizes of agricultural films under different aging methods. The results showed that the adsorption capacity of agricultural film particles for Cd2+ was inversely proportional to the particle size.The pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm adsorption model better fitted the adsorption process of Cd2+ by the agricultural films. The agricultural film particles treated with nitric acid aging reduced its adsorption capacity of Cd2+ by 50.10% and the hydrogen peroxide aging treatment increased its adsorption capacity of Cd2+ by 21.36% as against the control(agricultural film particles without aging). These results can provide a reference for exploration of the migration process and mechanism of Cd2+ in soil through agricultural film particles and the prevention and control of residual agricultural film.
Citation: | XUE Rixin, ZHANG Haixiang, LI Tinghang, LI Changheng, LIU Yin, WANG Qingqing, GUO Genmao. Adsorption of Cadmium by Agricultural Films with Different Particle Sizes and Aging Methods[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2020, 11(3): 301-309. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2020.03.007 |