随着杀虫剂的大量使用,越来越多的害虫产生了相应的抗药性。抗药性的产生往往伴随着适合度代价(fitness cost)的出现,适合度代价是指在生物进化过程中,某种生物特性或行为所带来的对生存和繁殖能力的负面影响,也就是说,抗性种群为了适应杀虫剂的筛选压力可能从多种生理途径或在生态学特征上产生某些变化[1]。例如褐飞虱细胞色素 P450 基因的过量表达导致其产生抗药性,同时其对吡虫啉农药的代谢过程使昆虫体内活性氧(ROS)大量产生,产生适合度代价[2]。明确不同杀虫剂对害虫产生的抗性代价适合度差异,可以为杀虫剂的轮换使用提供科学依据。例如,某些杀虫剂可能会使害虫产生较高的抗性代价,在使用一段时间后,害虫种群的适合度下降,此时可以轮换使用另一种对害虫抗性代价影响较小的杀虫剂,以延缓害虫抗药性的产生,提高防治效果。白纹伊蚊是我国常见的蚊种之一,调查发现,由于长期使用多类杀虫剂,白纹伊蚊已对上述杀虫剂产生了不同程度的抗药性,并且白纹伊蚊幼虫产生的抗药性比成虫更加严重[3]。有研究表明,抗性伊蚊产生的适合度代价主要表现在发育时间延长、寿命缩短和雌性繁殖力下降等方面,从而导致抗性伊蚊种群的生存力降低[4, 5]。目前已有很多有关拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂产生抗药性的媒介蚊虫的研究,但对四氟甲醚菊酯产生抗药性的白纹伊蚊所伴随的适合度代价当前尚不清晰。本研究通过种群生命表比较法分析对四氟甲醚菊酯产生抗药性的白纹伊蚊的适合度代价,明确了四氟甲醚菊酯抗性的发生及发展对白纹伊蚊种群的发育和生存的影响,并以此为依据合理指导抗性白纹伊蚊治理与防控。
敏感品系种群净增长率(R0)、世代平均周期(T)、内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)、种群加倍时间(D)分别为41.13、11.77 d、0.32 d−1、1.38 d−1、2.17 d;抗性种群分别为26.48、14.27 d、0.23 d−1、1.26 d−1、3.01 d。敏感品系白纹伊蚊较抗性品系的种群加倍时间短,表明其繁殖速度较快。
Net reproduction rate世代平均周期/d
Mean generation time内禀增长率/d−1
Intrinsic rate of increase周限增长率/d−1
Finite rate of increase种群加倍时间/d
Population doubling timeSS 41.13 11.77 0.32 1.38 2.17 RR 26.48 14.27 0.23 1.26 3.01 Table 1. Population growth of the susceptible and resistant lines of Aedes albopictus
SS组和RR组的化蛹率和羽化率均为100%,两个品系的化蛹率和羽化率均无显著差异(p>0.05)。SS和RR从一龄幼虫发育至蛹的平均时间分别9.66±0.17 d和11.31±0.17 d,蛹的平均羽化时间分别为2.15±0.04 d和2.90±0.03 d(图1),结果显示RR组一龄幼虫发育至蛹所需时间比SS组长,差异有统计学意义(p<0.005),且蛹发育至成蚊所需时间也具有统计学差异(p<0.05)。总的来说,RR组从一龄幼虫发育至成蚊的时间比SS组长,分别为14.27±0.14 d和11.77±0.16 d,说明四氟甲醚菊酯抗性的产生对白纹伊蚊的发育产生影响,并延长了白纹伊蚊幼虫发育至成蚊的时间。
从SS组和RR组雌蚊的生存曲线来看,敏感品系和抗性品系雌蚊的平均生存时间分别为30.03±1.60 d和21.83±1.12 d,生存时间中位数分别为32.50±0.69 d和22.00±1.09 d(表2, 图2-b),有统计学差异(c2=21.954, df=1, p<0.001, Mann-Whitney U test p<0.001)。结合成蚊的生存曲线,说明四氟甲醚菊酯抗性的产生对白纹伊蚊雌性成蚊的寿命产生了影响,缩短了雌性成蚊的寿命。
评价指标Evaluation index SS RR 显著性Significance 化蛹率(%) 100.00 100.00 ns 羽化率(%) 100.00 100.00 ns 幼虫发育至蛹的时间(d) 9.66±0.17 11.31±0.17 *** 蛹发育至成蚊的时间(d) 2.15±0.04 2.90±0.03 ** 幼虫发育至成蚊的时间(d) 11.77±0.16 14.27±0.14 *** 注:用t检验进行判定,结果用平均值±标准误(SE)表示。ns: p>0.05;**: p<0.01;***: p<0.005。
Notes: A t-test is used for assessment, and the results are expressed as mean±standard error(SE); ns: p>0.05; **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.005Table 2. Life table for susceptible and resistant lines of Aedes albopictus from larvae to adults
分组Group 性别
SexSS RR 显著性
时间(天数)♀ 30.03±1.60 21.83±1.12 *** 生存时间
中位数(天数)♀ 32.50±0.69 22.00±1.09 *** 注:采用Kaplan-Meier生存分析和log-rank检验,生存时间中位数之间的差异用Mann-Whitney U检验判定,结果用平均值±标准误(SE)表示。***: p<0.005。
Notes: Kaplan-Meier analysis and log-rank test are used, and Mann-Whitney U test is used to compare the difference between the median numbers of the survival time of the two lines. The results are expressed as mean ± standard error(SE). ***: p<0.005.Table 3. Life table of susceptible and resistant lines of Aedes albopictus
Fitness cost analysis of resistance to dimefluthrin in Aedes albopictus
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20240129
- Received Date: 2024-09-30
- Accepted Date: 2025-01-02
- Rev Recd Date: 2024-10-26
Key words:
- Aedes albopictus /
- dimefluthrin /
- pesticide-resistant /
- fitness cost
Abstract: The fitness cost of resistance to dimefluthrin in Aedes albopictus was analyzed by population life table comparison method using the resistant line (RR) of Ae. albopictus for experiment with the susceptible line SS as control. The results showed that the net reproduction rate (R0), mean generation time (T), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ), and population doubling time (D) were 41.13, 11.77 d, 0.32 d−1, 1.38 d−1, and 2.17 d, respectively, for the susceptible line population, and. 26.48, 14.27 d, 0.23 d−1, 1.26 d−1, and 3.01 d, respectively, for the resistant line. The resistant line of Ae. albopictus was longer in population doubling time than the susceptible line, indicating that its reproductive rate has slowed down. The pupation rate and emergence rate of the susceptible and resistant lines were all 100%, indicating there was no significant difference between them. The average development time from first instar larvae to pupae was 9.66±0.17 d for the susceptible line and 11.31±0.17 d for the resistant line; the average emergence time of pupae for both of the lines was 2.15±0.04 d and 2.90±0.03 d, respectively; the average survival time of female mosquitoes was 30.03±1.60 d and 21.83±1.12 d, respectively, for both of the lines, and there were all significant differences. The development time of larval and pupal stages and the life span of adult mosquitoes were prolonged, indicating that there is a certain fitness cost of resistance to dimefluthrin in Ae. albopictus.
Citation: | ZHOU Xiangrong, JIANG Dingxin. Fitness cost analysis of resistance to dimefluthrin in Aedes albopictus[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20240129 |