棕榈裸蠓Atrichopogon palmatus隶属于蠓科Ceratopogonidae铗蠓亚科Forcipomyiinae裸蠓属Atrichopogon[1] ,该种雌虫于1962年在日本被首次记述[2],可根据其腹部第7~9节腹面具有特殊的赘生物进行鉴别。1990年刘增加等[3] 基于甘肃康县的雌虫标本命名新种多刺裸蠓(Atrichopogon sentus Yu and Qi, 1990),该种后被Liu等[4]异名为棕榈裸蠓,但棕榈裸蠓的雄虫迄今仍未发现。经海南岛裸蠓标本整理鉴定发现了棕榈裸蠓的雌虫,形态学鉴定为棕榈裸蠓,并利用DNA条形码技术对雌、雄个体进行配对,首次发现了棕榈裸蠓雄虫,并对该种进行描述。
Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012
- Received Date: 2023-02-10
- Accepted Date: 2023-05-14
- Rev Recd Date: 2023-03-29
- Available Online: 2023-12-12
- Publish Date: 2024-01-16
Key words:
- molecular identification /
- morphological classification /
- Atrichopogon /
- Diptera
Abstract: Only females of Atrichopogon palmatus Tokunaga, have been recorded since 1962, while males have never been discovered. Specimens of Atrichopogon palmatus collected in Hainan Island were identified by using DNA barcoding and morphological methods. The DNA barcodes of the specimens were used to establish a phylogenetic tree for analysis, based on which the males were successfully associated with females. The males of A. palmatus collected in Hainan were newly described and illustrated, and their CO I- barcodes were also provided.
Citation: | HE Zehua, LI Jiahui, LIN Xiaodan. Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(1): 94-99. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012 |