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Volume 15 Issue 1
Jan.  2024
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HE Zehua, LI Jiahui, LIN Xiaodan. Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(1): 94-99. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012
Citation: HE Zehua, LI Jiahui, LIN Xiaodan. Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(1): 94-99. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012

Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012
  • Received Date: 2023-02-10
  • Accepted Date: 2023-05-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-03-29
  • Available Online: 2023-12-12
  • Publish Date: 2024-01-16
  • Only females of Atrichopogon palmatus Tokunaga, have been recorded since 1962, while males have never been discovered. Specimens of Atrichopogon palmatus collected in Hainan Island were identified by using DNA barcoding and morphological methods. The DNA barcodes of the specimens were used to establish a phylogenetic tree for analysis, based on which the males were successfully associated with females. The males of A. palmatus collected in Hainan were newly described and illustrated, and their CO I- barcodes were also provided.
  • [1] 虞以新. 中国蠓科昆虫 (昆虫纲, 双翅目) [M]. 北京: 军事医学科学出版社, 2006.
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    [8] BORKENT A, PICADO A. Distinctive new species of Atrichopogon Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Costa Rica[J]. Zootaxa, 2004, 637: 1 − 68. doi:  10.11646/zootaxa.637.1.1
    [9] FELIPPE-BAUER M L. Two new species of Atrichopogon Kieffer from Acre State, Brazil (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)[J]. Zootaxa, 2018, 4532(2): 257 − 265.
    [10] ENDERLEIN G. Ordnung: Zweiflügler, Diptera[M]. Quelle & Meyer in Leipzig, 1936.
    [11] SPINELLI G H R, MARINO P I, HUERTA H. Revision of the Neotropical species of the subgenus Atrichopogon (Psilokempia) (diptera: Ceratopogonidae)[J]. Zootaxa, 2015, 4003(1): 1 − 64. doi:  10.11646/zootaxa.4003.1.1
    [12] ANDER M, TROELL K, CHIRICO J. Barcoding of biting midges in the genus Culicoides: a tool for species determination[J]. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2013, 27(3): 323 − 331. doi:  10.1111/j.1365-2915.2012.01050.x
    [13] NIELSEN S A, KRISTENSEN M. Delineation of Culicoides species by morphology and barcode exemplified by three new species of the subgenus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Scandinavia[J]. Parasites & Vectors, 2015, 8: 151. doi:  10.1186/s13071-014-0608-1
    [14] BORKENT A, DOMINIAK P. Catalog of the biting midges of the world (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)[J]. Zootaxa, 2020, 4787(1): 1 − 377.
    [15] 虞以新, 严格. 云南蠓科昆虫二新种记述 (双翅目: 蠓科)[J]. 四川动物, 2010, 29(2): 200 − 202.
    [16] 邓成玉, 廖忠友, 张有植, 等. 峨嵋山发现蠓类二新种及一新纪录 (双翅目: 蠓科)[J]. 寄生虫与医学昆虫学报, 2011, 18(2): 115 − 119. doi:  10.3969/j.issn.1005-0507.2011.02.011
    [17] 宋福春, 王健, 虞以新. 淮南裸蠓属一新种(双翅目: 蠓科)[J]. 中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2013, 24(5): 444 − 445.
    [18] 刘仰青, 虞以新, 陈海婴. 江西省裸蠓属采集名录及一新种描述(双翅目:蠓科)[J]. 中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(4): 461 − 463. doi:  10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2021.04.015
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    [20] WANG F, HUANG E, ZHANG L, et al. Two new species of biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from China[J]. Oriental Insects, 2013, 47(4): 194 − 198. doi:  10.1080/00305316.2013.871814
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012

Abstract: Only females of Atrichopogon palmatus Tokunaga, have been recorded since 1962, while males have never been discovered. Specimens of Atrichopogon palmatus collected in Hainan Island were identified by using DNA barcoding and morphological methods. The DNA barcodes of the specimens were used to establish a phylogenetic tree for analysis, based on which the males were successfully associated with females. The males of A. palmatus collected in Hainan were newly described and illustrated, and their CO I- barcodes were also provided.

HE Zehua, LI Jiahui, LIN Xiaodan. Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(1): 94-99. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012
Citation: HE Zehua, LI Jiahui, LIN Xiaodan. Discovery and description of male Atrichopogon palmatus based on DNA barcodes[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(1): 94-99. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230012
  • 棕榈裸蠓Atrichopogon palmatus隶属于蠓科Ceratopogonidae铗蠓亚科Forcipomyiinae裸蠓属Atrichopogon[1] ,该种雌虫于1962年在日本被首次记述[2],可根据其腹部第7~9节腹面具有特殊的赘生物进行鉴别。1990年刘增加等[3] 基于甘肃康县的雌虫标本命名新种多刺裸蠓(Atrichopogon sentus Yu and Qi, 1990),该种后被Liu等[4]异名为棕榈裸蠓,但棕榈裸蠓的雄虫迄今仍未发现。经海南岛裸蠓标本整理鉴定发现了棕榈裸蠓的雌虫,形态学鉴定为棕榈裸蠓,并利用DNA条形码技术对雌、雄个体进行配对,首次发现了棕榈裸蠓雄虫,并对该种进行描述。

    • 研究样本为2020—2021年于海南岛内采集的所有棕榈裸蠓成虫酒精标本,标本处理参照吴小香的方法[5],对所有总计12头标本进行无损形态DNA提取,DNA提取参照天根血液/细胞/组织基因组DNA提取试剂盒方法,随后制成玻片。

      DNA条形码:以COI(细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I)基因作为DNA条形码基因,通用引物为LCO1490: 5′- GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG - 3′和HCO2198: 5′-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA -3′,进行PCR扩增[6]。扩增体系和反应程序参考吴小香的方法[5]并进行了一定的改动,在原25 μL体系中,DNA模板由原来的2 μL增加至3 μL,ddH2O减少1μL,PCR反应循环由原来的35个降至30个。经测序,最终获得长度为658 bp序列11条,目前已在 BOLD (上公开。选择并下载已公开的5种裸蠓COI序列:①稀瘤裸蠓 Atrichopogon oedemerarum, GenBank登录号:KJ767872.1;②温勒裸蠓 Atrichopogon winnertzi, GenBank登录号:KT278275.1;③棕色裸蠓 Atrichopogon fusculus, GenBank登录号:HQ945252.1;④Atrichopogon infuscus, GenBank登录号:KJ767868.1;⑤ Atrichopogon hirtidorsum; GenBank登录号:KT278273.1。利用 MEGA 7.0.14 采用Kimura 双参数模型(Kimura-2-Parameter, K2P)计算种内和种间遗传距离[7];选择残脂库蠓Culicoides imicola(GenBank 登录号:KT307823.1)和台湾铗蠓Forcipomyia taiwana(GenBank 登录号:KF528691.1)作为外群,构建系统发育树(phylogenetic tree),并进行自举检验(Bootstrap=2000)。

      形态学方法:使用奥林巴斯 SZX16 体视显微镜观察酒精标本,并连接CCD(DP72)对虫体整体轮廓进行拍摄。完成拍摄后,对虫体进行消化裂解,并在福斯德 XPZ-830BI 连续变倍体视显微镜下进行解剖制成玻片标本,最后使用生物显微镜 XSP-12CA 和 CCD(YH5001)对玻片标本进行鉴定、测量和拍摄。利用 Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 对雄性成虫生殖器进行绘制;利用 Photoshop 对绘图和照片进行排版。形态术语及测量依据遵循Borkent & Picado 和Felippe-Bauer 的方法,测量数据值在文中的表达形式为最小值至最大值(平均值,n为测量标本数)[8-9]

      形态术语缩写如下,触角比(AR):雄虫触角鞭节10 ~ 13节总长与1 ~ 9节总长的比值,雌虫触角鞭节9 ~ 13节总长与1 ~ 8节总长的比值;触须比(PR):触须第3节长与其宽的比值;前缘脉比(CR):从翅弓脉开始至前缘脉末端总长与从弓脉至翅末端缘总长的比值;跗节比(TR):各足第1跗节与第2跗节的长度比值,前足跗节比(TRI)、中足跗节比(TRⅡ)、后足跗节比(TRⅢ)。

    • 测序获得雄性个体CO I序列7条,雌性个体CO I 序列4条(GenBank登录号:OQ413720-OQ413730),序列长度为658 bp,该种种内遗传距离为 0.000~0.005,平均遗传距离为0.002,种间遗传距离为0.148~0.206,构建的系统发育树(图1)与图不一致显示测序的所有个体聚为支持率100%的单系,说明雌雄同种,均为棕榈裸蠓。

    • Atrichopogon palmatus Tokunaga, 1962: 160; Liu et al. 2001: 136; Yu et al. 2005: 455[1-2, 4]. 模式产地:日本(冲绳)

      Atrichopogon sentus Yu e Liut , 1990: (218); Liu et al. 2001: 136[3-4]. 模式产地:中国(甘肃)



      头:棕黄色(图2-B)。头宽与喙长比为2.22~2.55(2.38,n=7)。两复眼间距与小眼直径近乎相等(图2-C),小眼面间柔毛遍布整个复眼。触角棕色,鞭节2~10节上着生轮毛;鞭节第10~13节延长,第10节延长程度最低;第13节延长程度最高,端突明显,触角比(AR)0.87~1.03(0.95,n=7 )。触须5节,棕色,第3节最长,呈柱状,中部有感觉器窝;第5节呈锥状,端钝,触须比(PR)2.42~2.77(2.56,n=7)。

      胸:中胸背板棕黄色,鬃毛稀疏,肩部及两侧缘色淡,中间有两条平行淡色带从端部向基部延伸,基部有两个对称淡色斑,呈“八”字;侧面色淡,侧背片具1根刚毛;小盾片黄色,具2根鬃毛,2~5根刚毛;后小盾片较小盾片颜色略深。翅面无大毛分布,中脉叉有柄;第2径室长/第1径室长为1.14~1.81(1.45,n=6);CR 0.60~0.62(0.61,n= 6)(图2-D)。平衡棒浅棕色。各足均为浅棕色,TRI 3.14~3.84(3.49,n=7);TRⅡ 2.91~3.25 (3.12,n=7);TRⅢ 2.70~2.97(2.85,n=7),后足胫端鬃7~8根,爪端分叉。


      雌成虫(图3-A), 翅长 0.95~1.11(1.01,n=5)mm;翅宽 0.42~0.47(0.44,n=5)mm。 体型及颜色与雄虫相似。头宽与喙长比为 1.77~2.00(1.90,n=5)(图3-B)。触角棕色,鞭节1~8节近乎球形,鞭节9~13节为延长节;端节末端端突明显,呈剑状,AR 1.62~1.78(1.68,n=5)。触须PR 2.31~2.69(2.56,n=4)。大颚发达,大颚齿11~14枚。小盾片上的刚毛数为2~7根。翅较雄虫宽,翅面无大毛;第2径室长/第1径室长为 1.83~2.25(2.13 n=5);CR 0.65~0.68(0.66 n= 5)(图3-C)。各足颜色与雄虫一致,TRI 2.93~3.52 (3.23 n=5);TRⅡ 3.25~3.59(3.44 n=5);TRⅢ 2.70~3.19(2.94 n=5),后足胫端鬃7~9根,爪端无分叉。腹部颜色与雄虫相似,受精囊1个,椭圆形 (0.06~0.09)mm×(0.05~0.06) mm,有颈,基部有刻点(图3-E)。第7腹板中央有1个棕榈树状突起,其上有约20条枝突,第8腹节腹板有2对翼状突,靠侧缘的翼状突基部有若干鬃毛,中间的翼状突由4~5根粗刺由长至短并排组成,第9腹节两侧各有1个长辫状突起(图3-D)。

      检视标本:标本7♂4♀来自海南省琼中县黎母山国家森林公园,其中,2♀2♂,黎母山林间(19.1731°N/109.7310°E,H 663 m),为吴小香、何泽华于2020-11-20灯诱获得,标本编号:Atr143、Atr143-1、Atr146、Atr146-1;1♂,黎母山村落溪水边(19.1743°N/109.7324°E,H 686 m),为吴小香、何泽华于2020-11-20灯诱获得,标本编号:Atr31;1♀,黎母山主峰路口(19.1753°N/109.7427°E,H 647 m),为吴小香、何泽华于2020-11-20灯诱获得,标本编号:Atr93;1♀,黎母山(19.1742°N/109.7431°E,H 646 m),为何泽华于2020-11-19灯诱获得,标本编号:Atr136;4♂,黎母山森林公园(19.1774°N/109.7427°E,H 686 m),为吴小香、何泽华于2020-11-21灯诱获得,标本编号:Atr113、Atr113-1、Atr113-2、Atr114。标本1♀来自海南省文昌市八门湾上圮村红树林内(19.4527°N/110.7440°E,H 5 m),为邓斌于2021-11-18网捕获得,标本编号:Atr221。



    • 棕榈裸蠓隶属于裸蠓属多赘(Psilokempia)类群[10-11],雄虫与琴形裸蠓Atrichopogon lyratus Yu et Yan, 2005 的尾器形态特征相似[1],但棕榈裸蠓第9背板后缘呈弧形、尾须的着生位置以及复眼相离可区别于琴形裸蠓。

      棕榈裸蠓雌虫腹部具有特殊的赘生物,而雄虫缺少上述特征,仅通过形态学特征进行雌、雄配对较为困难。基于CO I 条形码,棕榈裸蠓的种内遗传距离为0.000~0.012,符合蠓科种内差异范围0.000~0.040[12-13],远小于裸蠓种间遗传距离0.148。通过DNA条形码技术实现了棕榈裸蠓雌、雄个体的配对,首次描述了棕榈裸蠓的雄性个体。

      全世界目前已记录裸蠓513现生种[14],中国记录92种[1, 15-20],而有相当一部分种类是仅有雌虫或雄虫的记录。DNA条形码技术可以实现不同性别个体配对,有助于加速单性别的裸蠓物种缺失性别的发现。


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