海温梯度可通过影响上层大气而导致深对流的发展,存在海温梯度的区域会对附近100~1 000 km的地面风场产生扰动,且扰动与海温梯度存在正相关关系[1]。Warner等[2]认为,墨西哥暖流附近产生的海温梯度可引起对流层低层产生辐合。Kuwano等[3]的研究发现,墨西哥暖流侧翼的海温梯度对对流性降水起决定作用,而墨西哥暖流雨带主要由连续不断发展的雷暴形成。近年来的研究也进一步证实中尺度的海温梯度可增强能量的向上输送,从而改变低层大气结构并触发加强对流。Miyama等[4]发现,只有使用高分辨率的海温资料时,才能较好地模拟黑潮附近的对流降水带。研究表明,海温的变化在精细化的天气模拟中至关重要[5-6],海温差异与对流有效位能的差异之间存在正相关关系,暖涡附近增强的地表通量可增加边界层内的相当位温,进而使得对流有效位能增加[7]。天气尺度下,大气对海温梯度的响应过程受到垂直混合机制的影响,而动量的垂直混合不仅由垂直风切变和低层大气浮力决定,区域辐合辐散等风暴特征也起着至关重要的作用[8-9]。前人主要利用卫星遥感和分析资料对海温梯度进行研究,凸显海温梯度的气候效应,缺乏其对天气过程响应的研究[10-14]。然而,强对流灾害性天气通常发生在几小时内。为了更好地做好灾害性天气的预报,有必要研究海温对更小时间尺度的灾害性天气的影响和其在灾害性天气发生发展过程中的作用。
Numerical simulation of the effects of sea surface temperature gradients on severe convective weather over the South China Sea based on WRF model
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20220014
- Received Date: 2022-04-10
- Accepted Date: 2023-03-28
- Rev Recd Date: 2023-03-15
- Available Online: 2023-07-05
- Publish Date: 2023-09-25
Key words:
- sea surface temperature gradients /
- numerical simulation /
- WRF /
- severe convection
Abstract: To investigate the impact of sea surface temperature gradients on severe convection, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is used to simulate a severe convection event occurred in the northeast of the South China Sea on 14 August 2010.The characteristics of water vapor transport, wind field and ground surface heat flux were analyzed during the development of severe convection by comparing a control run (CNTL) with a sensitivity experiment (EXP). Results show that ocean warm eddy and high SST gradient can stimulate convergence or divergence and enhance moisture transport by changing local thermal conditions, which cause release of latent heat providing energies for the evolution of severe convection. The precipitation regions correspond to the high SST center and the strong SST gradient area. The high (low) SST gradients can cause changes in sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, thus strengthening (inhibiting) precipitation.
Citation: | YANG Wei, LI Xun, SHI Juan. Numerical simulation of the effects of sea surface temperature gradients on severe convective weather over the South China Sea based on WRF model[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2023, 14(5): 560-568. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20220014 |