香蕉枯萎病又称巴拿马病、黄叶病,是一种典型的导致维管束系统毁灭的土壤真菌病害,首次于1904年在美国夏威夷被发现[1-2],是由古巴专化型的尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysopoyum f. sp. Cubence)引起[3],在香蕉的整个生育期内都会出现。尖孢镰刀菌会破坏维管束结构、堵塞木质部导管,从而引起假茎开裂、叶片发黄等症状,最终植株枯萎死亡。一百多年来,香蕉土传枯萎病一直是全球香蕉产业最大的障碍,在许多国家和地区均有报道,并造成严重的危害[4]。研究表明,长期的香蕉连作使土壤酸度增加,病原菌积累,土壤微生物群落失衡[5-7]。目前,对香蕉连作障碍采用的措施主要有:选育抗病品种、化学药剂、施用生物有机肥和轮作[8-11]。但是,香蕉是无性繁殖,选育抗病品种非常困难;化学药剂对土壤和农作物污染严重;生物肥料的防治效果还有待提升;轮作不利于保持香蕉的经济效益[12]。因此,现在急需一种有效的防治香蕉枯萎病的方法[13]。近年来,利用套作来调控土壤微生物群落的报道逐渐增多。研究表明,玉米与花生套作能有效地改变土壤微生物的群落组成和优势物种的种类[14]。张蒙蒙等[15]的研究结果表明,桑树与紫花苜宿套作能改善土壤真菌的多样性,增加真菌的丰富度。香蕉与韭葱套作能有效地减少土壤中总镰刀菌的数量[16],套作豆类和谷类作物可以提高豆科固氮能力[17],芥菜套作豆科作物增加了产量稳定性、养分有效性和水分利用效率[18]。目前,关于香蕉行间套作的研究不多,尤其是套作豆科绿肥的研究较少。在黄瓜园中套作白三叶草(Trifolium repens L),可显著降低黄瓜枯萎病发病率[19]。因此,笔者以白三叶草为套作作物,以不套种为对照,研究套作白三叶草对连作蕉园香蕉枯萎病的发病率以及土壤微生物的多样性、结构和组成的影响,旨在为套作防控香蕉枯萎病和改善蕉园土壤微生物生境提供依据。
TreatmentspH 碱解氮/
matterMB 5.78±0.06b 84.91±4.09a 6.75±1.05a 7.95±0.56a 90.32±3.09a 668.16±48.14b 3.08±0.03a IB 6.32±0.05a 78.87±4.13a 4.07±1.61b 5.62±0.29b 72.83±1.50b 675.37±34.11a 2.23±0.07b 注:MB:单作香蕉;IB:香蕉套作白三叶草。同列不同小写字母表示处理间在0.05水平差异显著,下同。
Note: MB: Banana monoculture; IB: Intercropping of banana with white clover. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate a significant difference between treatments at 0.05 level, similarly hereinafter.Table 1. Effects of intercropping of banana with white clover on soil chemical properties
处理 Treatments 群落丰富度 Community richness 群落多样性 Community diversity Chao Ace Shannon Invsimpson 细菌 Bacteria MB 1232.56±6.62a 1217.03±6.77a 6.37±0.00a 283.37±2.38b IB 1249.79±5.70a 1235.56±4.75a 6.35±0.01a 289.00±3.67a 真菌 Fungi MB 503.18±6.07b 500.06±6.15b 4.43±0.02b 28.04±1.14b IB 586.47±7.29a 577.99±7.67a 4.52±0.03a 34.96±1.57a Table 2. Soil microbial alpha diversity indexes in different treatments
基于Bray-curits距离的主坐标分析(图2)结果表明,单作香蕉和套作白三叶草处理的细菌群落结构差异显著,第1和第2主坐标轴分别解释了总差异的41.90%和10.76%,单作香蕉和套作白三叶草处理沿第一轴(PCoA 1)明显区分开来(图2a)。由图2b可以看出,单作香蕉和套作白三叶草处理的真菌群落沿第一轴(PCoA 1)明显区分开,第一和第二主坐标轴分别解释了总差异的55.01%和7.54%。
Figure 4. The venn diagram of bacterial (a) and fungal (b) OTU distribution of soil in different treatments
Figure 5. Relative abundance of the top 20 classified bacteria (a) and fungi (b) in the soil under different treatments
细菌 Bacteria 真菌 Fungi 属水平
Genus level平均相对丰度
Average relative abundance /%与尖孢镰刀菌相关性
Pearson correlation
with F.oxysporum属水平
Genus level平均相对丰度
Average relative abundance /%与尖孢镰刀菌相关性
Pearson correlation
with F.oxysporumGp6 6.61 −0.950** Davidiella 2.97 −0.933** Spartobacteria_genera_
incertae_sedis2.24 −0.679* Staphylotrichum 2.71 −0.989** Gp16 1.86 −0.964** Acremonium 2.23 −0.968** Desulfovirgula 1.77 −0.952** Mortierella 2.10 −0.910** Rhodoplanes 1.55 −0.913** Thielavia 0.81 −0.877** Nitrospira 1.28 −0.936** Athelia 0.74 −0.975** Syntrophorhabdus 1.20 −0.952** Periconia 0.36 −0.970** Kofleria 1.19 −0.716** Table 3. Pearson correlation between the relative abundance of genera and Fusarium
Effect of Intercropping of Banana with White Clover on Banana Fusarium Wilt and Soil Microbial Community
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2021.02.011
- Received Date: 2020-12-22
- Rev Recd Date: 2021-03-05
- Available Online: 2021-06-29
- Publish Date: 2021-06-25
Key words:
- high-throughput sequencing /
- banana Fusarium wilt /
- Fusarium oxysporum /
- microbial community
Abstract: An attempt was made to explore the changes of soil microbial community in continuous cropping banana orchards after banana was intercropped with white clover (Trifolium repens L) and the effect of the intercropping on the incidence of banana Fusarium wilt. Banana was intercropped with white clover in continuous cropping banana orchards, with monoculture of banana as control. The soil microbial community structure and composition among different treatments in the banana orchards were detected by using high-throughput sequencing and their differences were analyzed. Compared with the monoculture of banana, intercropping of banana with white clover reduced the disease incidence of banana Fusarium wilt by 13.34%, increased the pH value by 0.54, and increased the content of soil available potassium by 7.21 mg·kg−1. Compared with the monoculture of banana, the intercropping of banana with white clover significantly increased soil microbial diversity, and formed a unique community structure. Moreover, the intercropping of banana with white clover changed the community composition of soil microorganisms, significantly decreased the relative abundance of Fusarium oxysporum, and increased the relative abundance of GP16 and Davidiella. It is concluded that the intercropping of banana with white clover in continuous cropping banana orchards significantly reduced the number of F. oxysporum, increased soil pH and microbial diversity, changed the community structure of microorganisms, and then reduced the incidence of banana Fusarium wilt disease.
Citation: | LIU Manyi, WANG Yutong, SUN Mingze, LI Rong, WANG Beibei. Effect of Intercropping of Banana with White Clover on Banana Fusarium Wilt and Soil Microbial Community[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2021, 12(2): 219-227. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2021.02.011 |