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Volume 15 Issue 3
May  2024
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LAN Shuaiqin, LI Dongling, CHEN Yu, MAO Jing, YIN Ze, VASQUEZ HerbertEly, YU Feng, ZHENG Xing, GU Zhifeng. Effects of different diets on the growth and skin color of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) fry[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(3): 354-360. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230086
Citation: LAN Shuaiqin, LI Dongling, CHEN Yu, MAO Jing, YIN Ze, VASQUEZ HerbertEly, YU Feng, ZHENG Xing, GU Zhifeng. Effects of different diets on the growth and skin color of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) fry[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(3): 354-360. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230086

Effects of different diets on the growth and skin color of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) fry

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230086
  • Received Date: 2023-07-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-11-27
  • Publish Date: 2024-05-25
  • As one of the key techniques in fry fish rearing, feeding management affects survival, growth and development of the fry. An attempt was made to analyze the effect of the feeding management on the growth and body color change of the fry of white angelfish. The fry of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) were fed with three combinations of foods, including commercial microcapsule feed (M group), microcapsule feed with Artemia sp. nauplii (MA group) and fishmeal feed with Artemia sp. nauplii (AF group). The survival, growth and body color of the white angelfish fry fed with different food combinations were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the survival rates in all the groups were more than 82%, where the MA group was significantly higher than the M and AF groups (P < 0.05). The body weight, length, weight gain rate and specific growth rate were significantly higher in the MA group than in the AF group (P < 0.05). The regularity was observed in the body color of different body position in each group with the lightness(L*) being in the order of “abdomen > operculum > lower back”, the red tonality (a*) being in the order of “operculum > abdomen > lower back” and the yellow hue (b*) in the order of “lower back > abdomen > operculum”. Feeding Artemia sp. nauplii could affect the yellow hue (b*) of P. scalare fry during rearing. The proper use of Artemia sp. nauplii to feed the white angelfish at the right stage of fish rearing helps to improve the growth performance and enhance the ornamental character of the fish body color.
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Effects of different diets on the growth and skin color of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) fry

doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230086

Abstract: As one of the key techniques in fry fish rearing, feeding management affects survival, growth and development of the fry. An attempt was made to analyze the effect of the feeding management on the growth and body color change of the fry of white angelfish. The fry of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) were fed with three combinations of foods, including commercial microcapsule feed (M group), microcapsule feed with Artemia sp. nauplii (MA group) and fishmeal feed with Artemia sp. nauplii (AF group). The survival, growth and body color of the white angelfish fry fed with different food combinations were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the survival rates in all the groups were more than 82%, where the MA group was significantly higher than the M and AF groups (P < 0.05). The body weight, length, weight gain rate and specific growth rate were significantly higher in the MA group than in the AF group (P < 0.05). The regularity was observed in the body color of different body position in each group with the lightness(L*) being in the order of “abdomen > operculum > lower back”, the red tonality (a*) being in the order of “operculum > abdomen > lower back” and the yellow hue (b*) in the order of “lower back > abdomen > operculum”. Feeding Artemia sp. nauplii could affect the yellow hue (b*) of P. scalare fry during rearing. The proper use of Artemia sp. nauplii to feed the white angelfish at the right stage of fish rearing helps to improve the growth performance and enhance the ornamental character of the fish body color.

LAN Shuaiqin, LI Dongling, CHEN Yu, MAO Jing, YIN Ze, VASQUEZ HerbertEly, YU Feng, ZHENG Xing, GU Zhifeng. Effects of different diets on the growth and skin color of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) fry[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(3): 354-360. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230086
Citation: LAN Shuaiqin, LI Dongling, CHEN Yu, MAO Jing, YIN Ze, VASQUEZ HerbertEly, YU Feng, ZHENG Xing, GU Zhifeng. Effects of different diets on the growth and skin color of white angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) fry[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(3): 354-360. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230086
  • 主持人:郭志强

    淡水神仙鱼(Pterophyllum scalare),俗称燕鱼,一种水族行业中最受欢迎的热带观赏鱼,属鲈形目(Perciformes),丽鱼科(Cichlidae),神仙鱼属 (Pterophyllum)。鱼体呈菱形、侧扁,具有较大的背鳍和臀鳍,游动时如张开的帆[1]。白神仙鱼(Pterophyllum scalare var.)体表呈通体雪白,鳞片在光照下闪着淡淡的蓝光,极具观赏价值。

    食物的选择与动物机体的生物学发育时序特征密切相关,不同品种鱼类消化系统发育、胃的形成、遗传差异和口的大小有所不同,其所需营养成分和饵料类型也会有所差异。食物的类型、大小、营养成分等会显著影响养殖对象的存活、生长和质量[2-3]。不同食物的投喂组合可有效提高鱼类在养殖过程中的存活率和生长性能,活饵和配合饵料的组合使用可降低鲟鱼(Acipenser ruthenus[4]、鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus[5]、圆口铜鱼(Coreiusguichenoti[6]和胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinu sasiaticus[7]的养殖死亡率,增强生长性能;卤虫无节幼体和配合饲料组合投喂下,虫纹麦鳕鲈(Maccullochella peelii)幼鱼可获得更高的存活率[8]。白神仙鱼作为观赏性鱼类,其体色能够影响到其市场价值水平,而营养水平也是影响鱼类体色的重要因素之一。观赏鱼养殖中常用的天然活体饵料有红虫、血虫、丝蚯蚓、卤虫、水蚤、小河虾、面包虫等,在饲料中添加这些天然活体饵料,既符合观赏鱼的习性,同时也能维持观赏鱼的健康和艳丽的体色[9]


  • 实验动物为课题组自主培育的30 dph淡水白神仙鱼幼鱼,均由同一亲本、同一批次的受精卵孵化而来。实验鱼初始平均体质量为(46.02 ± 1.20) mg,平均体长为(9.20 ± 1.31) mm。

  • 使用循环水养殖系统作为实验装置,每套系统由养殖玻璃缸、水泵、过滤棉等过滤装置、充气泵等组成,每个养殖缸的尺寸为长50 cm、宽50 cm、高35 cm,有效养殖水体为60 L(图1)。水质条件控制在以下范围内:水温(29 ± 1) ℃,DO > 6 mg·L-1,pH 7.5~8.0,氨氮 < 0.02 mg·L-1,亚硝酸盐 ≤ 0.01 mg·L-1L。

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the recirculating aquaculture system

  • 使用3组投喂组合:微颗粒饲料(M)、微颗粒饲料+卤虫无节幼体混合饲料(MA)、卤虫无节幼体+鱼粉混合饲料(AF),其中MA组为:90%微颗粒饲料(干质量)+10%卤虫无节幼体(干质量);AF组为:90%鱼粉(干质量)+10%卤虫无节幼体(干质量)。卤虫无节幼体为卤虫卵新鲜孵化而得;微颗粒饲料和鱼粉由海南南鲲海洋生物科技有限公司提供,成分构成如下:微颗粒人工饲料由进口优质鱼粉、虾粉、鱼油、谷物、复合维生素、矿物质、免疫增强剂等配制而成,饲料粗蛋白约为52%,粗脂肪约为8%,粗纤维约为8%,粗灰分约为17%,赖氨酸约为2.5%,总磷约为0.8%,水分约为11.7%;鱼粉饲料的粗蛋白约为65%,粗脂肪约为12%,游离脂肪酸约为10%,水分约为10%,砂盐约为3%。

    每组实验设置3个重复,每个重复使用40尾实验鱼。实验期间,每天08:00和18:00分别投喂1次,养殖周期为30 d,采用饱食法进行投喂;每3 d进行1次换水,换水量为30%。

  • 每日观察并记录幼鱼死亡情况。实验结束后,使用100 mg·L-1丁香油对鱼体进行麻醉处理,并将体表水擦干,收集体质量、体长(自吻端至尾鳍基部的垂直距离)、体色数据。

    使用SONY ILCE-6000相机在生物图像摄影箱中获得实验动物影像,拍摄时为避免外源光的影响,将相机置于40 cm × 40 cm × 40 cm的摄影箱上方20 cm处垂直进行拍摄,光强500 Lx,感光度ISO 500,曝光时间1/80 s,光圈f/5.6。使用Adobe Photoshop CC 2018软件检测幼鱼的鳃盖后缘、腹部中央、后背部3个部位的CIE(1976)-Lab表色系参数(图2)。Adobe Photoshop CC 2018软件操作步骤为:调用图像功能中的匹配颜色工具对照片颜色进行统一校正,再调用标尺工具对鱼体的长度进行测量,最后调出拾色器工具,在颜色测定部位拾取101×100像素进行Lab值的读取。

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the position for body color determination

  • (1)存活率=(Nt /N0)×100%;

    (2)增重率=[(Wt -W0)/W0]×100%;



    存活率(survival rate, SR, %): Nt为终末尾数;N0为初始尾数;增重率(weight gain rate, WGR, %): W0为初始体质量(g);特定生长率(specific growth rate, SGR, %·d-1): Wt为终末体质量(g);t为饲养天数;Lab是通过Adobe Photoshop CC 2018软件中的拾色器窗口直接获得的图片颜色参数数值;L*(Lightness)表示明度值,数值从0(最暗)到100(最亮)的;a*表示红度值,代表从绿到红的变化,取值范围从-120到+120;b*代表黄度值,代表从蓝到黄的变化,取值范围从-120到+120。

  • 实验数据采用DPS 18.5统计分析软件进行单因素试验统计分析,显著水平定为P < 0.05。

  • 在投喂饲料0.5 h后,观察各组试验养殖缸内均剩余少量饲料,在试验过程中实验鱼均属于饱食状态,说明各组的实验鱼摄食情况良好,不同投喂实验组的幼鱼成活率在30 d的养殖周期内均大于82%(图3-a),其中MA组(93.43 ± 1.78)%,显著高于M组(88.23 ± 2.14)%和AF组(82.08 ± 1.89)%,P < 0.05。养殖结束后,各组体长与体质量之间存在显著差异(图3-b,c),MA组体质量和体长分别为(432.10 ± 38.08) mg、(22.80 ± 0.96)mm,显著高于AF组(341.10 ± 42.09)mg、(19.08 ± 0.98)mm,P < 0.05;而M组体质量和体长分别为(400.10 ± 40.08)mg、(21.10 ± 1.01)mm,其中体长显著高于AF组(P < 0.05)。

    Figure 3.  Comparation on survival rate, weight and length of white angelfish juvenile under different diets

  • 养殖周期内,白神仙鱼幼鱼增重率和特定生长率在不同饲料组合投喂组中存在显著差异(图4,P < 0.05)。AF组增重率和特定生长率分别为(640.98 ± 36.33)%、(6.68 ± 0.16)%·d-1,显著低于MA组和M组(P < 0.05);而MA组和M组之间特定生长率不存在显著性差异(P > 0.05),分别为(7.46 ± 0.12)%·d-1、(7.21 ± 0.10)%·d-1;MA组的增重率(838.72 ± 20.89%)则显著高于M组(769.19% ± 30.23%,P < 0.05)。

    Figure 4.  Comparation on weight gain rate (WGR) and specific growth rate (SGR) of white angelfish juvenile under different

  • 不同饲料组合投喂下白神仙鱼幼鱼体表不同部位颜色特征值具有一定规律性:在明度值L*方面,呈现为腹部中央 > 鳃盖后缘 > 后背部;在红度值a*方面,呈现为鳃盖后缘 > 腹部中央 > 后背部,且鳃盖后缘a*为正值,而腹部中央和后背部为负值;在黄度值b*方面,呈现为后背部 > 鳃盖后缘 > 腹部中央(表1)。幼鱼腹部中央的L*值在78.0 ~ 82.7范围内,a*值在-1.7 ~ -1.3之间;鳃盖后缘L*值范围为65.0 ~ 70.7,a*值为1.0 ~ 2.1;后背部L*值范围为50.7 ~ 54.0,红度值a*为-3.7 ~ -2.0。

    腹部中央Abdomen centerL*82.67±0.58A,a78.67±5.86A,a78.00±2.00A,a
    鳃盖后缘Operculum rear endL*67.00±5.30A,b65.00±2.00A,b70.67±2.08A,b
    后背部Lower backL*54.00±3.00A,c53.67±5.51A,c50.67±3.79A.c
    Note: Different capital letters indicate significant difference of same body position and color parameter from different groups. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference of same color parameter of different body position under the same group.

    Table 1.  Comparation on skin color characteristics of white angelfish juvenile under different diets

    不同饲料组合投喂可显著影响白神仙鱼幼鱼生长过程中黄度值b*的变化(P < 0.05);而明度值L*和红度值a*相对而言则体现得较为稳定,各实验组之间不存在显著性差异(P > 0.05)。M组可显著降低幼鱼体表各个部位的黄度值b*P < 0.05,表1),其中:腹部中央b*值由5显著降低至-3;鳃盖后缘b*值由5.3显著降低至-2.3;后背部b*值由14.5显著降低至3.6。

  • 鱼类早期养殖过程中食物选择和投喂管理失误极易引起高死亡率,因此饵料的选择及科学的投喂管理在养殖过程中对养殖主体存活及生长发育有着关键性作用[14-15]。笔者根据课题组关于热带中小型淡水观赏鱼养殖户基本情况的调研结果得知,在神仙鱼、金波子等养殖过程中养殖户一般会根据鱼苗的大小进行食物的选择和调整,一般情况下2 ~ 3 mm的鱼苗在前30天投喂轮虫;待其生长到全长7 ~ 10 mm时再以桡足类、枝角类或卤虫无节幼体进行喂食;当全长30 ~ 50 mm时,可使用微颗粒饲料、鱼粉等人工饲料进行投喂。

    水产动物不同阶段对食物的适口性、营养需求等是存在一定差异的,生长不同阶段之间的食物转换存在过渡期,因此科学合理的食物选择、组合投喂管理显得尤为重要。鱼粉和卤虫无节幼体混合投喂黑点圆鲀(Sphoeroides annulatus)仔鱼比直接采用人工饲料投喂形式可获得更高的存活率[16];丁鱥(Tinca tinca L.)幼鱼采用卤虫和配合饲料混合投喂可获得87%的存活率[16]。本研究结果与上述研究相似,所采用的3种投喂方式均可使存活率达82%以上,且微颗粒饲料和卤虫无节幼体组合投喂所得存活率相对最高(> 90%)。

    在自然环境下,神仙鱼会以小型昆虫、原生动物、浮游动物、底栖生物等为食[17],采用配合饲料与活饵的混合投喂符合神仙鱼的自然生长规律,在一定程度上可以提高其生长性能。舒旗林等[6]的研究结果显示活饵和配合饲料混合投喂方式可有效提高圆口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)幼鱼的生长性能;胡仁云等[18]的研究结果表明在松潘裸鲤(Gymnocypris potanini)30~70 dph的养殖过程中,先采用水蚯蚓和微粒饲料混合投喂,再单独投喂微粒饲料可显著改善幼鱼的存活和生长。通过本试验研究发现卤虫无节幼体与微颗粒饲料混合使用投喂可有效提高白神仙鱼幼鱼生长性能,这可能得益于卤虫无节幼体中含有利于白神仙鱼幼鱼生长的脂肪酸及微量元素等,在微颗粒饲料营养供给基础上使得幼鱼可获得更全面的营养补给[19]。此外,本试验还发现使用鱼粉饲料与卤虫无节幼体混合投喂的养殖效果较差于卤虫无节幼体与微颗粒饲料混合投喂,该现象与陈洪清[20]关于大黄鱼苗种和连总强等[21]关于兰州鲇仔稚鱼的相关研究结果较为一致,其原因可能在于鱼粉残饵易污染养殖水体,恶化白神仙鱼幼鱼生长环境,从而影响幼鱼的存活和生长,而微颗粒饲料则更易被摄食、消化和吸收,且对水质环境相对友好。

  • 目前对水产经济动物体色的相关研究,主要是围绕鱼类体色进行开展的,水产动物体色也是消费者对水产品质量及价值的判断依据之一,对于食用性鱼类而言,不同体色的黄颡鱼[22]、东星斑[23]、大黄鱼[24]等水产经济动物的市场价值差异也较大。对于观赏鱼而言,其体色更是重要经济性状之一,也是用于评价观赏鱼观赏价值或健康状态的重要标准之一。白神仙鱼在观赏视觉上呈全体通白且纯度较高的特征,本研究结果说明其幼鱼体表不同部位颜色特征值存在差异,从鳃盖、腹部到后背部呈现一种从偏红到偏绿、蓝色加深的色彩趋势,该现象可能是由鱼体不同部位皮肤在色素细胞分布及色素沉积能力上存在差异所致[25-26]

    鱼类体色的变化与遗传特性、环境变化、生理状态、饵料等因素息息相关,其中食物目前被认为是最有效的体色人工调控手段之一[27-28]。在饲料中添加螺旋藻可有效改善人工养殖环境下杂交黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco ♀ ×Pelteobaggrus vachelli♂)的体色[29];饲料中添加角黄素能使血鹦鹉(Amphilophus citrinellus×Paraneetroplus synspilus)的体色更红[30];红白锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio var. koi)饲料中添加一定量的虾青素可是其体色变得更加鲜艳[31]。本研究结果发现,卤虫无节幼体混合微颗粒饲料投喂会提高白神仙鱼幼鱼体表颜色的黄度值,这可能是因为卤虫无节幼体中本身存在一定量生物色素或有色微量元素,从而影响了机体虹彩细胞发育生长及皮肤色素沉降。

  • 微颗粒饲料和卤虫无节幼体组合投喂所得存活率相对最高(> 90%),且使用卤虫无节幼体与微颗粒饲料混合投喂的白神仙鱼幼鱼生长性能优于鱼粉饲料与卤虫无节幼体混合投喂;在体色方面,卤虫无节幼体混合微颗粒饲料投喂会提高白神仙鱼幼鱼体表颜色的黄度值。

Reference (31)



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