主持人:徐 冉
鱼藤(Derris trifoliata)为豆科(Fabaceae)鱼藤属(Derris)植物,为多年生攀援藤本,原产亚洲热带及亚热带地区。在我国主要分布于福建、台湾、广东、广西和海南等地,多生于沿海河岸灌木丛、海边灌木丛或近海岸的红树林中[1-2]。近年来,我国局部地区鱼藤种群增长过快,其攀援至红树林植物的树冠上层,导致大量红树林植物不能正常进行光合作用而枯萎死亡,严重影响了红树林群落的发育,甚至导致红树林生态系统逐渐退化,已成为危害红树林植物的“植物杀手”[3-4]。因此,开展鱼藤的相关研究对于红树林湿地的保护和恢复具有重要的现实意义。目前,鱼藤的研究多集中在鱼藤对红树林危害的评估等方面[3-5],对鱼藤的分布[6-7]、种群特征和个体的生长发育等特性的研究较少[8-9]。有研究表明,不同环境中生长的植物,其形态特征、生物量、光合生理以及抗氧化酶水平等均会发生一定程度的改变,可以直观地反映环境因子对植物生长的影响[10-12]。因此,笔者通过人工控制实验,模拟潮汐环境,研究鱼藤幼苗在不同的水盐环境中的生理生化过程的变化,了解鱼藤的生长和发育特征,探讨鱼藤爆发的原因,旨在为红树林湿地的保护和生态修复过程中鱼藤的防治提供理论和技术支持。
Physiological responses of antioxidant enzymes in the leaves of Derris trifoliata seedlings under varying tidal conditions
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230073
- Received Date: 2022-12-19
- Rev Recd Date: 2023-03-03
- Publish Date: 2024-05-25
Key words:
- mangrove /
- Derris trifoliata /
- physiological stress /
- physiological adaptation
Abstract: In recent years the rapid proliferation of Derris trifoliata populations in mangrove areas has resulted in extensive mortality of mangrove plants in certain regions, posing a serious threat to the mangrove wetland ecosystem. During field investigations it was observed that the impact of D. trifoliata on mangrove plants was more pronounced in areas with shorter flooding durations and lower salinity levels compared to those with longer flooding durations and higher salinity levels. To investigate the underlying causes of this phenomenon, an attempt was made to simulate 25 different tidal environments through controlled artificial experiments, under which D. trifoliata seedlings were raised to observe variations in antioxidant enzyme activity, osmotic regulation mechanisms, and membrane system damage levels in their leaves. The results demonstrated that under the individual influence of salinity and flood, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in the leaves of D. trifoliata seedlings initially increased and then decreased at a salinity level of 0—40‰. The peak value was observed at a salinity level of 20‰. In D. trifoliata seedlings SOD and CAT activities in the leaves did not show significant changes during the 0 h/d-8 h/d flooding period. However, free proline (FPRO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in the seedling leaves exhibited an increasing trend with salinity levels and flooding duration, and their maximum values were reached under treatment conditions of 40‰ salinity and 8 h/d flooding. When both salinity levels and flooding duration were put together, the SOD activity, CAT activity, FPRO content, and MDA content in the seedling leaves came to peak under the treatment of 20‰ salt for 6 h/d, 20‰ salt for 8 h/d, and 40‰ salt for 8 h/d, respectively. In summary, in an environment with short flooding durations and low salinity levels, D. trifoliata seedlings exhibited a heightened capacity for antioxidant enzymes to combat stress-induced damage, resulting in normal growth and consequently a relatively significant impact on mangrove plants. Conversely, in an environment with prolonged flooding duration and high salinity levels, the efficacy of antioxidant enzymes in mitigating stress damage was diminished, leading to inhibited growth and consequently a relatively less influence on the mangrove plants.
Citation: | LYU Xiaobo, LI Donghai, LI Jianbi. Physiological responses of antioxidant enzymes in the leaves of Derris trifoliata seedlings under varying tidal conditions[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(3): 281-289. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230073 |