火龙果(Hylocereus undulatus)是热带地区重要经济作物,土壤肥力与线虫病害会严重影响火龙果产量和品质。土壤的基础是土壤肥力,土壤肥力反映了土壤为植物提供适宜条件的能力[1-2]。土壤肥力会影响火龙果的生长发育及营养品质 [3-4]。此外,线虫也会影响火龙果生长发育。其中,根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp.)是一类重要的植物寄生线虫,严重威胁世界各地蔬菜、果树及其他农作物的生产,每年在全球范围内造成的经济损失达到数十亿美元[5]。海南属于热带、亚热带地区,病虫害多,根结线虫危害就是其中之一,严重影响了火龙果的产量及品质[6]。目前,国内对火龙果的研究主要集中在温度、光照等栽培生物学特性方面[7-10],关于土壤养分肥力和根结线虫防治方面的研究鲜见报道。因此,笔者对海南火龙果主产区果园的土壤样品进行收集,并对收集到的204份火龙果土样肥力和线虫数量进行了调查分析,旨在为海南火龙果园土壤的改良、培肥和火龙果的高产、稳产、优质生产提供基础数据和理论支持。
以全国第2次土壤普查标准[17]作为参考,对海南岛火龙果园土壤养分含量进行描述性统计分析及养分含量分级(表1、图1)。可以看出,海南岛火龙果园的pH变化范围是3.5~7.9,平均值为6.4,变异系数为 16.3%。大部分土壤pH处于酸性/弱酸性/中性水平,土壤pH为中性(6.5~7.5)的果园最多,占41%;其次是酸性(4.5~5.5)和弱酸性,分别占比23%和20%。海南火龙果园有机质含量的变化范围是1.9~75.5 g·kg−1,平均值为19.9 g·kg−1,变异系数为77.21%;有61%的土样有机质含量处于较为缺乏状态(小于20 g·kg−1),有19%的土样有机质含量是中量,仅20%的土样有机质含量为丰富及以上等级。因此,从整体上看,海南岛火龙果园土壤有机质含量较为缺乏。海南岛火龙果园的碱解氮含量范围是14.0~203.0 mg·kg−1,平均值是63.9 mg·kg−1,变异系数为47.14%;土壤碱解氮是缺乏/极缺/很缺等级的占样品总数83%,而中量、丰富及很丰富水平的土壤样品仅有17%,说明海南岛火龙果园土壤碱解氮含量处于缺乏状态。土壤有效磷含量为 7.3~355.3 mg·kg−1,其平均值是95.8 mg·kg−1,变异系数为75.64%;有81%的土样有效磷含量是很丰富,有16%的土样有效磷含量是丰富,说明海南岛大多数火龙果园土壤有效磷含量是丰富及以上等级。海南岛火龙果园土壤速效钾含量为 13.2~741.4 mg·kg−1,速效钾含量平均为124.9 mg·kg−1,变异系数为105.9%;土壤速效钾处于缺乏及以下水平的占总样品数目的55%,中量水平占比19%,丰富和很丰富水平占比26%,说明海南岛火龙果果园土壤速效钾含量较为缺乏。土壤交换性钙变幅为 168.0~9756.0 mg·kg−1,平均含量为 2 802.7 mg·kg−1,变异系数为 66.3%,87%的火龙果园土样交换性钙处于丰富水平。土壤交换性镁含量在4.8~2126.4 mg·kg−1之间,平均值为213.2 mg·kg−1,变异系数达到162.0%,68%的火龙果园土样交换性镁处于缺乏及以下水平。
土壤指标 最大值 最小值 极差 均值 标准差 变异系数 等级 pH 7.9 3.5 4.4 6.4 1.0 16.3 弱酸性 有机质/(g·kg−1) 75.5 1.9 73.6 19.9 15.5 77.2 缺乏 碱解氮/(mg·kg−1) 203.0 14.0 189.0 63.9 30.1 47.1 缺乏 有效磷/(mg·kg−1) 355.3 7.3 348.0 95.8 72.7 75.6 很丰富 速效钾 /(mg·kg−1) 741.4 13.2 728.2 124.9 132.3 105.9 中量 交换性钙/(mg·kg−1) 9756.0 168.0 9588.0 2802.7 1860.2 66.3 丰富 交换性镁/(mg·kg−1) 2126.4 4.8 2121.6 213.2 345.2 162.0 中量 -
对204个样点的土壤综合肥力指数进行描述性统计分析得出,海南岛火龙果园IFI值在0.18~0.96 之间,平均值为0.62,肥力处于高水平,变异系数为0.23,属于中等变异。用各指标对应的平均隶属度制作雷达图反映各指标的状态及研究区整体肥力水平(图2)。根据雷达图的几何含义,坐标轴上的点越靠近原点,代表它所反映的指标的肥力水平越低,反之越高。从图中可以看出碱解氮隶属度函数值最小,仅约0.4;有机质、速效钾、交换性镁、pH次之;有效磷和交换性钙隶属度值最大。土壤隶属度函数值大小依次为:有效磷、交换性钙、pH、交换性镁、速效钾、有机质、碱解氮。
从海南岛参与调研的各地区根结线虫J2数量结果可以发现(表2),万宁和三亚的火龙果园土壤中的根结线虫比较严重,而东方和昌江火龙果园根结线虫情况比较轻,其余各市轻重情况从重到轻依序为陵水、琼海、乐东、海口、儋州、临高、澄迈。整体上海南岛北部地区(海口、临高、澄迈、琼海、儋州、昌江)火龙果果园根结线虫J2数量低于海南岛南部地区(三亚、陵水、万宁、乐东、东方)果园根结线虫数量。此外,海南岛各火龙果果园根结线虫J2数量差异较大,数量较少每100 g干土仅有14条,而较多的高达736条(图3)。
地区 采样点数量 每100 g干土的根结线虫数/条 万宁 6 290.1±100.6 a 三亚 21 275.9±46.1 ab 陵水 12 160.5±45.2 abc 琼海 9 141.4±26.2 abc 乐东 63 138.5±20.3 abc 海口 6 136.7±94.6 abc 儋州 9 119.7±29.4 abc 临高 6 98.7±19.6 abc 澄迈 6 88.1±45.2 bc 昌江 6 65.5±13.8 c 东方 60 63.9±8.4 c 注:不同小写字母表示各处理间在0.05水平差异显著。 -
指标 SN pH SOM AN AP AK Ca Mg SN 1.00 pH 0.15 1.00 SOM 0.39 0.17 1.00 AN 0.12 0.14 0.66 1.00 AP 0.36 0.12 0.63 0.50 1.00 AK 0.02 0.05 0.28 0.20 0.19 1.00 Ca 0.21 0.42 0.68 0.58 0.52 0.22 1.00 Mg 0.11 0.19 0.32 0.23 0.22 0.34 0.45 1.00
A survey of soil fertility and number of root-knot nematodes in dragon fruit orchards in Hainan
doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230034
- Received Date: 2023-03-11
- Accepted Date: 2023-05-11
- Rev Recd Date: 2023-05-05
- Available Online: 2023-05-17
- Publish Date: 2024-03-20
Key words:
- Hainan /
- dragon fruit orchard /
- soil fertility /
- number of root knot nematodes
Abstract: To clarify soil fertility and damage of root-knot nematodes in dragon fruit orchards in Hainan Island, a total of 186 soil samples were collected from 62 dragon fruit orchards, and the soil contents of nutrient elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and the number of root-knot nematodes in the orchards were analyzed. The comprehensive soil fertility in the orchards was evaluated by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and the correlation between the number of root-knot nematodes and soil nutrients was analyzed. The results showed that the average soil pH was 6.4 in the dragon fruit orchards, with the soil being generally neutral or weakly acidic in the orchards. The average soil content was 19.9 g/kg for organic matter, 63.9 mg/kg for alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and 95.8mg /kg for available potassium content, all of which were in the state of deficiency. The soil contents of available phosphorus and exchangeable calcium were abundant or above, and the soil exchangeable magnesium content was in the medium level. The soil pH was positively correlated with the soil contents of organic matter, exchangeable calcium and magnesium, indicating that a neutral soil pH level was conducive to the accumulation of organic matter in the soil and had important significance for the availability of calcium and magnesium. The soil content of organic matter was positively correlated with the soil contents of alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, exchangeable calcium and magnesium, which indicated that the increase of soil organic matter would help to increase the contents of soil basic mineral nutrients. The number of root-knot nematodes in the dragon fruit orchards varied greatly. The maximum number of second-stage juveniles (J2) of root-knot nematodes in the orchards was 736 per 100 g dry soil, while the minimum number of the J2 root-knot nematodes was only 14 per 100 g dry soil. The incidence of the root-knot nematodes was different between the orchards in the north and the south of Hainan Island. On the whole, the number of the root-knot nematodes in the dragon fruit orchards was lower in the north than that in the south of Hainan Island. The soil pH and the soil contents of organic matter, available phosphorus and exchangeable calcium were positively correlated with the number of the root-knot nematodes in the soil. The findings of this survey showed that the comprehensive soil fertility index of the dragon fruit orchards in Hainan Island is at a high level. The changes of the soil pH and the contents of organic matter, available phosphorus and exchangeable calcium might have some reference for integrated management of the root knot nematodes in the dragon fruit orchards in Hainan.
Citation: | LI Juan, GAO Xiang, CHEN Siru, WU Jiamin, GAO Wei, ZHANG Hong, RUAN Yunze. A survey of soil fertility and number of root-knot nematodes in dragon fruit orchards in Hainan[J]. Journal of Tropical Biology, 2024, 15(2): 182-189. doi: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.20230034 |